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( Updated : October 23, 2021 )

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If you wish to visit the secret realms, defeat every Valkyrie, and view the secret ending, the gods will forgive you for using these God of War cheats. This article is about the game God of War for PS4. The Leviathan Axe can be upgraded to a maximum level of 6 by bringing frozen flames to Brok. You can get most of the frozen flames from bosses encountered during the main story. If you miss one, it will appear under the Lost Items section in the shop. The final frozen flame is obtained by trading in the Chilling Mist of Niflheim. It's locked inside a chest in the central chamber of the Niflheim realm. You'll need to collect 5, mist echoes to open the chest. Chaos flames can be used to upgrade Kratos' blades up to level 5. As with the frozen flames, all but one can be obtained during the main story. To fully upgrade the Blades of Chaos, defeat the Valkyrie in Muspelheim to earn the Raging Inferno of Muspelheim, then exchange it for the final chaos flame. Unlocking Muspelheim requires you to find four Muspelheim Language Ciphers. There are more than four such ciphers hidden throughout the game, but these are the easiest to find:. Once you have four ciphers, you'll have access to Muspelheim from the Realm Travel Room. Unlocking Niflheim requires four Niflheim Language Ciphers. The easiest ones to get can be found in the following locations:. Niflheim will be selectable from the Realm Travel Room after you collect the ciphers. The Golden Talisman of Protection is a helpful accessory that can be obtained early in the story. After gaining access to the temple in the Lake of Nine, travel northeast to Stone Falls. You'll have to battle some revenants and solve a puzzle to reach the chest containing the Golden Talisman of Protection. It's only accessible via the Lookout Tower boat dock once the water level has dropped far enough for you to reach it. Once atop Muspelheim Tower, stand in the golden circle between the two braziers with burning fires. Face Tyr's Temple and use the Right Analog-stick to look in the following directions:. Pause briefly while looking at each location. Straight ahead at Tyr's Temple. The left brazier on the Muspelheim Tower deck. The right brazier on the Muspelheim Tower deck. Down at the floor of the Muspelheim Tower deck. This may take a few attempts, but once executed correctly, a realm tear will appear containing the Grip of Ages. Earn mist echoes, then talk to Sindri again to get the workshop key. There are nine pieces of rusted armor in the workshop that are required to craft the Mist Armor. The Shattered Gauntlet of Ages is an obvious reference to the popular Avengers movie franchise. One is obtained during the main story, and three of them are earned by freeing dragons around Midgard. The fifth must be pilfered from the dead body of Baldur's dragon near the top of the Forgotten Caverns. Once powered up, the gauntlet can be augmented with special gems that grant Kratos new abilities. To get the fully upgraded Valkyrie Armor, you'll have to beat the Valkyries. The Valkyries are the strongest enemies in the game. Nonetheless, you can encounter some of them early in the story after completing the "The Magic Chisel" mission. Once you find one of them, the "Prove your Valour" side mission will begin, and all Valkyrie locations will be marked on your map. After beating the eight Valkyries, go to the Council of the Valkyries to unlock the battle with Sigrun. She is significantly stronger than the others, so go in prepared with your best equipment and runic attacks. Bring the helmet to Brok for an upgrade. God of War has 37 trophies to unlock:. Robert Wells is a professional writer and amateur game developer. His specialties include web development, cryptocurrency, and cybersecurity. Table of Contents Expand. Upgrade Leviathan Axe. Upgrade the Blades of Chaos. Restart a Story. Secret Ending. Unlock the Muspelheim Realm. Unlock the Niflheim Realm. Golden Talisman of Protection. Forbidden Grip of Ages. Niflheim Mist Armor. Gauntlet of Ages. Valkyrie Armor Guide. Sigrun the Valkyrie Queen. The Mountain After meeting Mimir, descend the stairs and pass the mystic gateway to find a chest. Cliffs Of The Raven Land on the beach southeast of the temple. Look on the left side of the cliff for a small opening covered by wood. Smash through it with your ax, and give Atreus a boost so he can drop a chain for you to climb. Forgotten Caverns Go into the caverns northwest of the temple and climb to the upper level. Lookout Tower Search the beach south of the temple near the Odin statue's foot. Council Of Valkyries Dock on the beach just right of the giant statues holding oars. Break the red crystals to clear a path and climb the cliff wall to find a chest. Wolfenstein: Youngblood Walkthrough, Cheats, and Codes. Destiny Cheats, Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs. Destiny 2 Cheats, Codes, Unlocks, and Walkthroughs. Final Fantasy X-2 Walkthrough and Cheats. Final Fantasy X Walkthrough and Cheats. Land on the beach southeast of the temple. Go up the steps to the green garden area, then drop down to the snowy path. After gaining access to Konunsgard, travel northwest of the temple to find a Soul-Eater and a chest on the beach. Dock on the beach just right of the giant statues holding oars.