[PYL] doom-modeline-modal-icon
( Updated : October 23, 2021 )
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Nathan’s DotEmacs
How to properly init doom-modeline? seagle0128/doom-modeline Nathan’s DotEmacs
You should consider other styles. Please read the README. ;; Determines the style used by `doom-modeline-buffer-file-name'. (setq doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'auto) ;; Whether display icons in the mode-line. ;; While using the server mode in GUI, should set the value. ext' or according to uniquify-buffer-name-style . So mode line will contain a strange filename. › repo › seagle › doom-modeline. Victor Polevoy doom-modeline: A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism (setq doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'truncate-upto-project). This config provides modal editing with emacs style keybindings, 30 doom-modeline-window-width-limit doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style. (defvar doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'truncate-upto-project "Determines the style used by `doom-modeline-buffer-file-name'. (use-package doom-modeline :straight t :init (doom-modeline-mode 1) 'project doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'truncate-all. doom-modeline-major-mode-icon nil. doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'relative-from-project). ;; Fix modeline icons in daemon-spawned graphical frames.
I'm using use-package and put all codes under the :init section, but when I launch emacs say, from terminal, the custom modeline won't apply except I manually call the function setup-custom-modeline AND create a new buffer. If I hook the custom modeline function setup-custom-modeline to emacs-startup-hook, then it will work, so is it necessary to hook the funtion to both doom-modeline-mode-hook and emacs-startup-hook? I confirm, it doesn't work for me either. There's something strange going on. I can't seem to be able to set up a custom modeline, it only applies if I manually call or eval doom-modeline-mode. I can't find a way to set it up automatically, it always ignores the custom mode-line setup and uses the default. I tried running doom-modeline-mode -1 doom-mode-mode 1 , tried using timers, tried calling the function interactively - still doesn't work for me for some reason. I get it. It still doesn't work. It doesn't matter if you call it before or after. It only works if you open a file, and then set the mode. I'm not sure what's so messed up in my config, but I think I finally solved it by using a different hook:. I think the deal here is that you cant use emacs background daemon, which was my setup back then, which also explained why the modeline on scratch buffer is not displayed correctly but new buffer have correct modeline. It has been too long and I actually dont use modeline anymore now I use awesome-tray , but hope this help. It only works for me when I have both hooks:. At some point maybe I'll try to repro it on a clean config. I sense that Spacemacs still interfering - even after removing the related bloat, switching to spacemacs-base distribution, and removing spacemacs-modeline layer which includes doom-modeline initialization. I am still not sure what's causing it I hate it, when I have no clues. And per pRot0ta1p 's suggestion - I am indeed using the foreground daemon. I'm glad, it now seems to be working for me. Sorry for seeming angry tone earlier, perhaps I should've used more elucidated language to describe my problem. Issue Explorer. How to properly init doom-modeline? Your Reply. Add Comment. More Details About Repo. Emacs Lisp. Acces denied. ANTLR4 gramma line Can't change refresh rate Mi10T apollo. Wrong mouse cursor on the note pane scrollbar. Small browser's icons. Feature Request: Add a custom option to the speed hacks section. Turn off all magic and make it opt-in.