[CUZ] mass effect andromeda install mods

( Updated : October 23, 2021 )

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Mass Effect Andromeda How to Apply Weapon & Fusion Mods Mass Effect Andromeda Weapons Mod Guide
How to Mod Weapons in 'Mass Effect: Andromeda': Quick guide to modding and augmenting Mass Effect Andromeda How to Apply Weapon & Fusion Mods Mass Effect Andromeda: How to Equip Weapons and Mods Mass Effect Andromeda Weapons Mod Guide Original Post Applying weapon mods?
When you've acquired a desired weapon and/or piece of armor, as well as a mod, you just have to enter the loadout screen (it appears each time you leave the Tempest ship, it can also accessed from the Tempest and by Forward Stations on the surface of the planets). To equip a mod from a loadout station, tap the corresponding button — square on PS4 — while hovering over an equipped weapon you want to mod. How to equip weapon mods in ME: Andromeda · Select the piece of gear you want to mod (make sure it has mod slots first). · Press X on Xbox or. When choosing your weapons, highlight one that has slots (circles beneath the weapon) and press Square on PS4 and X on Xbox One. This will allow. To equip new weapons and mods, you're going to need to not be out and about. That's right, there's no switching on the fly from your inventory. First, select the weapon you want to use/mod in the weapons list. Then return to the main weapon loadout screen with your weapon slots. Then click "mods" on the. When you get a mod, whether you buy or find it, you can't immediately put it in your gun. You will have to wait until you reach a loadout. I've played around a bit in both single and multiplayer. In multiplayer, it works perfectly: you select your gun, click the empty mod slot, and choose your mod.

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