[0HO] things to do on gta 5 story mode
( Updated : October 23, 2021 )
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What To Do In GTA V After Story? | [HOST] 5 things to do after completing GTA 5's story mode
screenrant.com www.thegamer.com What To Do In GTA V After Story? 5 things to do after completing GTA 5's story mode
1 Just Live In Los Santos. 2 Treat Yourself. 3 Use Cheat Codes And Go Nuts. 4 Discover All The Secrets And Easter Eggs. 5 Replay Heists. 6 Replay Missions To Get Gold Medals. 7 Find All Strangers And Freaks. 8 Play The Stock Market. Play The Online Mode in Grand Theft Auto 5 · Achieve Gold Medals in Grand Theft Auto 5 · Discover The Supernatural in Grand Theft Auto 5 · Explore. Play online, do missions to earn enough cash to buy a high end apartment (the k ones) go to heist board inside high end apartment after you get Lester phone. › pc-console › what-to-do-in-gta-v-after-story There are dozens of musing things to do in the world of GTA 5. Besides the plethora of Main Quests and Side Quests, San Andreas is crammed with. I love GTA V online But you talk about gta v offline, I guess I have done almost all side-missions, except finding the Epsilon tracts. Rob stores. Replay the story with making different decisions. Do the strangers and freaks missions. Go on random rampages and see how long you.
It remains one of the most successful entertainment products in history. This is thanks in part to how much replayability the game has. From its hilarious and satirical story to the massive online multiplayer, GTA V is still going strong after six years. Rockstar always delivers when it comes to content, especially in their open-world games. The world of Los Santos is one of the most beautifully realized game settings in recent memory. After you've beaten the game, you'll immediately want to keep playing. Here is a list of things you can do once you finish the misadventures of Franklin, Michael, and Trevor. After finishing the story, you might have spent some time with the various bits of post-game content that are available. Since you might be looking for more to do, we've decided to revisit this list and expand it with a few more options. It's a long grind, but very fun and absolutely worth it. The world of GTA V is filled with various businesses and properties that you can purchase. Once bought, you'll start earning a set income from these places, and be tasked with the occasional request or mission. Some of them can be very profitable and others are just fun. You can finally profit off your destructive tendencies. There are 16 businesses to own and several vehicle storage properties. There are a ton of opportunities to better yourself as a person in San Andreas — well, intellectually rather than morally, that is — and you should take advantage of them when you can. Luckily, the things you can learn and experience in GTA V aren't boring. First, you can learn how to fly. Head to the Flight School to being lessons on becoming a pilot. After that, you can learn yoga as Michael, how to parachute and live life as a daredevil, visit the cinema, become a wildlife photographer, and a ton more. Who knew there was so much to do to expand your mind in a game about crime? Throughout the main game, you may have noticed that Lester has a tendency to ask you to assassinate important figures. The first assassination mission, The Hotel Assassination, is the first time you'll be asked this monumental favor. But, there are four more assassination missions following the first. Some of these are optional and can be completed in the post-game. It's actually advised that you do so after beating the main story, because you'll have the most money available following the final heist. This is important, as you'll want to invest as much as possible into certain companies on the stock exchange to maximize profits. Assassinating certain figures will make some stocks shoot up in value. Do your research first! For those who prefer a more active or stimulating lifestyle than retiring from a life of crime in peace, there are a ton of places where you can exercise your physical or competitive sides. Those who love sports can spend their time golfing, playing tennis, shooting darts, or participating in triathlons. Those who prefer the high-speed of driving can take to the offroad races, street races, Seashark races, or go parachuting. There's a ton to do to keep you active and alert. In GTA V, collectibles take the form of a few different things. Head to the northern docks of San Andreas to start finding submarine pieces, keep your eyes peeled for the 50 spaceship parts that will unlock a new vehicle, look closely for scrap pieces of paper to figure out who murdered Leonora Johnson, and much, much more. There's a ton to find and collect around the world. Once you beat the main story, the first thing you will want to do is jump into GTA Online. This online community is still healthy after six years with constant updates and modes being added every month. You can go in alone, or hop in with a group of friends to wreak havoc in Los Santos. The most notable modes that you can do are the Heist co-op missions. Many may forget that these took a long time to get added, releasing almost two years after GTA V launched. These exhilarating missions are a blast to play and they require a lot of coordination between players. It's even more to fun to test out the physics of a video game. Still, you can find so many other amazing spots to pull off some sick moves. By the end of the story, you should have a huge chunk of change to spend. You can invest that hard-earned blood money to make it grow even more. You can find lists of companies within Los Santos, many of which have their own competitors. For example, you can buy stocks for Clucking Bell, then go out and destroy any TacoBomb trucks you find. Want to join a religious cult that has way too many membership fees? Want to smoke a joint that causes you to hallucinate an alien invasion? You get to experience all these hilarious incidents by finding the Strangers and Freaks throughout the map. Each of the three main characters has their own specific side missions to complete. There are a total of 69 main story missions, and 58 Strangers and Freaks missions. Seriously, that is an absolute nightmare to get gold on. In order to replay the missions, just head over to your Game tab on the pause menu. You should be able to see all that missions you've completed, as well as what medal you originally got. Luckily, most of GTA V's missions are over the top and fun, so it won't feel like a chore. Except for Scouting The Port with Trevor. That mission is Rockstar straight up trolling their players. However, another reason to replay these memorable missions is just to see how different scenarios turn out. The heists let you choose different team members and overall strategies. Did you want to go in guns blazing? Or did you want to take a more tactical approach? You can play these over again to see if your original plans were, in fact, the most efficient way to victory. The city of Los Santos is a massive open-world sandbox to sink your teeth into. Rockstar has always been praised for its obsessive level of detail, sometimes even criticized. GTA V is no different. There are tons of secrets and easter eggs to uncover. Some of these include aliens obviously , Bigfoot, and ghosts! There are guides everywhere on how to access these goodies. The Grand Theft Auto series has always embraced the idea of cheat codes. Everyone remembers how amazing it was to summon a tank in San Andreas. GTA V brought back the button codes from the previous entries. There are some ridiculous and hilarious cheat codes to input. These cheat codes can essentially make you a god in the game. They include making you invincible, turning off gravity, and even allowing you to change the weather on a whim. Just turn on these codes and go wild! After the main story is over, you should have a hefty amount of money. What are you going to spend it all on? Well, go ahead and treat yourself. Go out and buy yourself a military jet because of reasons! Buying one online is way more convenient than having to break into the military base. The great thing about the world of Los Santos is just how lived in it all feels. You truly feel like you could turn off the game and the open-world will still be alive until you turn it back on. Therefore, you can just go around town and be a citizen yourself. There is a huge assortment of minigames to try, which are all surprisingly dense and fleshed out. The shooting range, air trafficking jobs, darts, yoga To make things better, you can call up one of your NPC friends to join you in some of these activities, like visiting the cinema or a bar. You have options when it comes to picking a build for Lann in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous — here are the best ones. Joshua is a freelance writer based in Illinois. He's an avid gamer who buys a new game, only to end up replaying Borderlands 2 for the 35th time. He also loves to travel, read Stephen King, and enjoy a nice night out with friends. His love for video games has earned him the opportunity to write about them and gain new experiences! Share Share Tweet Email. Read Next in gaming.