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How to Safely Pop Your Own Back at Home Without A Chiropractor
How to Pop Your Own Back Without A Chiropractor
Lie on your back. Raise your knees up so they're bent. Keeping your shoulders still, move your hips to one side so that the knee on that side is touching the ground. Hold this position for ten seconds. Slowly return your knees to their previous position. Repeat in the other direction. Back-of-chair stretch В· Sit in a chair with a solid back that allows your shoulder blades to fit over the top. В· You can interlace your fingers. Does your lower back feel locked up and tight and it just feels like it needs to be released with a pop or crack? In this video, Dr. The first way to crack your back is by using a foam roller. I like the ones that are slightly softer so it gives a little along your spine. Consult with your Doctor, Physical Therapist or Chiropractor before performing. They are not appropriate for someone who has current back pain. First tuck your feet under you buttocks. Then lean back and use your elbow as leverage. Then use your two hands and place it under your. "Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck demonstrate how to SAFELY pop or crack your own back. How to Safely Crack Your Back at Home В· Cobra or child's pose В· Rocking stretch В· Slow crunch В· Leg-over-leg stretch В· Using an exercise ball В· Sit. Sit up straight in your chair with your arms relaxed at your sides. Slowly twist your body to the left and reach your left arm around your body. Grab the right. Stand and slowly extend your back. Slide your hand behind and slowly push down on your spine while extending your stomach forward. Use your dominant arm or hand.

Last Updated: October 7, References. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in a comprehensive approach to practicing physical therapy utilizing therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, pain education, and home exercise programs. She lives and works in New York City. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 5,, times. Cracking joints also called joint cavitations often feels good because it can release tension and increase the range of motion. Cracking or releasing the spinal joints of your back is usually safe if done in a controlled manner and within the normal planes of motion of the spine. Slide your hand behind and slowly push down on your spine while extending your stomach forward. Use your dominant arm or hand so as to have more control and strength. Hold for 10—20 seconds and try it times daily depending on your condition. The spinal area under the most pressure is likely to crack, especially if you have the flexibility to reach up towards the thoracic spine. How to Use a Foam Roller You can find foam rollers at a sporting goods or big-box store — they're very inexpensive and nearly indestructible. Place the foam roller on the ground, perpendicular to where you're going to lay your body. Lie down on your back so that the foam roller is beneath your shoulders. Put your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees, and lift up your lower back so it rolls over the foam in a back and forth manner. Never lie with your low back flat on a foam roller because it will hyperextend the low back. Always lean to one side while rolling the low back on a foam roller. Use your feet to move your body over the foam, so that your entire spine is massaged at least 10 minutes. Repeat as many times as necessary, although your muscles might be a little sore after the first time your use a foam roller. Guide to Stretching Your Back Muscles Do this simple stretch times daily depending on the degree of tension in your back. Warnings - Don't hold your breath. Instead, you should breathe deeply and exhale as you relax into the stretch. You may have to slowly rock forward and backward in this position to get a better muscle stretch, but always do so in a controlled, gentle fashion. The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment. Read More To crack your back, try doing a supine twist. First, lie down on the floor with one leg bent and one leg extended. Then, bring your bent knee over your extended leg and toward the floor. Keep your shoulders flat on the ground. Finally, switch legs and repeat. You can also try to track your back using the back of a short chair. First, sit in a chair with a backrest that comes up to the middle of your back. Then, place both of your hands on the back of your head, and slowly lean back in the chair until your back cracks. Move forward in your seat to crack higher up on your back, or move backward to crack lower on your back. To learn more from our Chiropractor co-author, such as stretches to try to loosen up, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue. No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Part 1. All rights reserved. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc. Stretch your back over the edge of your bed. Another way to achieve more extension is to use the edge of your bed as a fulcrum point, so that your head can dip below the level of your spine. This position is effective for cracking the mid back primarily. Lie down on your back on a bed, with everything above your shoulder blades extended over the edge. Relax your back and let your head and arms slowly extend towards the floor, breathing out entirely as you do it. After each downward extending motion, hold for about 5 seconds and then do a full sit-up to get back to the original position and take a full breath in. Repeat as necessary. This movement carries a little greater risk of injuring your spine, so maybe ask a companion to be a spotter to make sure you can do it safely. Tip: This movement is also great for strengthening your abdominal muscles. Get "picked up" from behind. A possibly more effective method of adjusting the mid back is getting a hug from behind because extending the thoracic spine is a little easier from this direction, assuming the person doing it is strong enough to lift you off the ground by a few inches or so. Instead of using their hands to crack your back, the person lifting you can use gravity and their own chest as they arch back which takes less coordination. Cross your arms across the front of your body and allow a stronger, taller person to hug you from behind and grab your elbows for support. After fully exhaling, give a signal and allow the person to lift you off the ground while simultaneously squeezing you and extending your mid back. This maneuver is a little risky for both participants because of the greater forces on the spines and shoulder joints. Get a "bear hug. Some extension is needed to release the joints and it certainly helps if the person performing the hug is stronger and taller than you so they can get good leverage. Be careful though, because broken ribs and lung injuries are possible. Allow the person to hug you and have them clasp their hands near the area that you want to crack while you relax your arms at your sides. After breathing fully in and out, give a signal for the person to squeeze harder with their hands in a quick thrusting manner this takes some practice and coordination , which will extend the spine somewhat and likely release a few joints. For women with large or sensitive breasts, this maneuver might not be appropriate. Don't let someone crack your back on the floor. There is a technique that should only be attempted by someone with adequate training, such as an osteopath or chiropractor. There are laws that prevent some health professionals from doing this maneuver without adequate training. If you are interested in having your back cracked in this way, talk to a licensed professional. Part 2. Extend your spine with help from your hands. While slowly extending your spine in a controlled manner, you can reach around your back and put pressure on the area that has the most tension, which will induce a little more focused extension there. This movement requires a little more flexibility, especially from your upper body and arms. Add some spinal rotation while standing. The spine tends to have more range of motion from side-to-side than it does in extension, so rotation tends to be a safer or more forgiving motion. Use a foam roller. Rolling on a piece of firm foam is a good way to massage your back and it also increases the likelihood of cracking or popping some spinal joints, especially those in the mid back region thoracic. Foam rollers are commonly used in physiotherapy, yoga and pilates. Rotate your spine while sitting on the floor. Another way to rotate the lower half of your spine is to do it while sitting, which might feel more stable and easier to control. You can also use your arms and hands to induce a little more rotation without having to swing your body, which is likely a little safer. Sit on the floor with one leg bent at the knee and the other leg extended — it does not matter which side you start with because you'll switch and do both sides a few times. With the foot of the bent leg on the ground, push with it and rotate your torso in the opposite direction, using your hands to stabilize you and induce more rotation. Try to look back over your shoulder on the same side as your bent knee. Sit in a chair to get more leverage. Rotating your spine while sitting in a chair is helpful because you can grab parts of the chair to gain additional leverage and rotation. Spinal joints need to go slightly beyond their normal range of motion in order to crack, so using a chair to achieve that may be your best bet. While trying to keep your buttocks and legs in the same position, rotate as far as you can in one direction holding for a few seconds , then go in the other direction. Breathe normally while doing this. Grab on to the sides or the top of the chair to gain more leverage — a wooden chair works well in this regard. In this position, your lower lumbar spine is the most likely to crack or release. Do a twisting stretch while lying on your back. Make sure the floor is cushioned or padded for the most comfort. Lie flat on your back on a cushioned floor, raise a leg to your chest while bending it at the knee. Then pull on the outside of your knee towards the floor with your opposite hand, which will create rotation in your lower back and hips. This is a similar position that a chiropractor or osteopath will put you in for adjusting your low back and hips sacroiliac joints. Part 3. Stretch your back muscles first. Muscle tension in your back is often relieved with simple stretches without the spinal joints making cracking or popping sounds. Too much joint cracking may damage the joint tissues and accelerate a type of arthritis known as osteoarthritis the wear and tear type. Stretch your back by elongating your spine. Another type of stretch can be done while on your knees and facing the floor prone , which is similar to a yoga position known as the child's pose. Extend your spine while standing. Extension of the spine is a movement that often creates a cracking sound, but your spinal column has fairly limited motion in this direction, so don't be too aggressive. No, it's not something you should intentionally try to do on your own. It's best to see a physical therapist to make sure that type of movement is safe. Not Helpful 63 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Lean back on a chair with your middle back on the top part. It gives a wonderful crack. Helpful 8 Not Helpful 2. There are many resources on the web describing safe ways to "crack your back", from professionals such as chiropractors, physical therapists and osteopaths. However, none of them call it cracking. Instead, you should search for phrases like "how to adjust back", or "how to mobilize your lumbar spine. Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1. Bend your back and turn your body both ways until you hear a crack. Remember to bend forward and repeat as well or you could damage your back. Helpful 4 Not Helpful 2. Don't crack your back so frequently more than a few times per day as it could lead to joint damage and spinal problems with time. Helpful 3 Not Helpful 3. When using a foam roller, stretch your arms outward into a palm tree pose. This will usually give more pops to the spine. Helpful 3 Not Helpful 2. Helpful 2 Not Helpful 2. If you or your partner start to feel pain especially if it's sharp or burning pain while trying to crack a spinal joint, stop immediately. Helpful Not Helpful Adjusting your own spine or others if you're untrained carries risks, so proceed conservatively and with caution. It's best to see a physical therapist to help you determine whether it's safe to crack your back. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. If you have conditions like osteoarthritis, osteopenia, or neurological issues such as weakness in your legs, you should not try to crack your back. Related wikiHows How to. How to. Physical Therapist. Expert Interview. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: Updated: October 7, Categories: Back and Spine Health. Medical Disclaimer The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Article Summary X To crack your back, try doing a supine twist. Italiano: Far Schioccare la Schiena. Nederlands: Je rug kraken. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 5,, times. I just cut off about 18" for my roller. It worked so well I absolutely had to mention it! Go really slowly rolling from the shoulders down to the lower back. Repeated a few times, and I was set! More reader stories Hide reader stories. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Joe Fisher Feb 2, Aug 28, I just need enough relief to get me through until tomorrow when I can get into my chiropractor. Thanks for the ideas. Toni Martin Sep 22, These were some of the techniques I used. Each position gave me more relief. The diagram made it even better to know the position. Alice White Jan 20, These methods helped relieve years of back tension for me, thank you! Lucy L. Oct 3, Thank you very much. Share yours! More success stories Hide success stories. 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