[M0F] skyrim best marriable follower mod
( Updated : October 23, 2021 )
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9 Best Body Mods for Skyrim | Hacker Noon
Skyrim: Most Realistic Male Face Texture Mods 9 Best Body Mods for Skyrim SAM Shape Atlas for Men
Best male and female skin mods? PC SSE - Discussion. Been using total character makeover forever now. I just wanted to. › /07/21 › skyrim-most-realistic-male-face-texture. TL:DR; The best male face texture mod IMHO is Better Males by Bella – Younger Faces This is like a super HD version of the vanilla skin. Looking for better looking skins for Males for all races and Don't warn me again for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. 9 Best Body Mods for Skyrim · 9. Total Character Makeover by Scarla · 8. SkySight Skins by fadingsignal · 7. Tempered Skins for Males - Vanilla and. Male skin specular texture shine and sweat for SOS and better male and vanilla at Skyrim. followers. More information. Skyrim Nexus Mods. SAM is a male body replacer mod for Skyrim (bit version) and is meant to replace SOS Vector,to date your male body mod still the best,thankyou.
All the face settings for the character are exactly the same in each photo. I think the vanilla texture is just too weathered for my liking. There are 3 different flavors — Younger Faces, Geonox, and a mix between the two. My personal preference is for the mixed version — I think it does a good job making your character appear fresh faced but not smooth as a baby. The Younger Faces version is just way too flawless and porcelain-like for me. I prefer the rugged one over the smooth one — it looks much more realistic. The smooth version is too flawless, making your character look like a plastic Ken doll. That being said, neither of these settings achieves the look that I like. Both give your character a super young baby face. Which one is your favorite face texture? Let me know in comments! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Search for:. Post navigation Prev Post. Next Post. What type of face paint is that? Can you please post the link? Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar.