[LL3] dying light gold weapons cheat

( Updated : October 23, 2021 )

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Dying Light Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips
Dying Light Mega Guide: Cheats, Unlimited Money, Weapons, Health, Blueprints & Collectibles Gold-tier Weapons
The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Dying Light for PlayStation 4 (PS4). Uploaded: 27 Aug Last Update: 19 Aug Author: StinVec For Dying Light version Unlimited Weapon durability-Heal regeneration-5x. Pick up the weapon again and throw it. Repeat the process as many times as desired to duplicate the weapon. Then, sell the extras for money. EXPcalibur sword: -. Dying Light Tips for beginner Before heading towards Dying Light cheat codes, There exist only three types of Gold-tier melee weapons in Dying Light. Blunt Weapons Š²Š‚ā€œ think hammers, pipes and bats Š²Š‚ā€œ let you cave in zombie skulls. The weapon duplication glitch appeared in Dying Light, left.

Invite a player into your game. Drop any items that you want to duplicate. Have the invited player pick up all items you dropped. Then, have the invited player back out of the game with the quit option in the pause menu. This will save the invited player's inventory. Invite the player back into your game, and have them drop the items you previously dropped for them. Next, have the invited player close the game without it saving his or her inventory. There are two methods to doing this. The first method requires you to have a game or demo installed on the hard drive, but it is quicker than the second method. Press the middle PS button to display the dashboard. Then, select a game or demo to auto close Dying Light with your inventory intact. Hold the middle PS button, and turn off the console. Then, unplug the power cord on the back of the console, and plug it back in. This will keep your inventory intact. Invite a player back into your game, and repeat the process a few more times. When the host's inventory is large enough, give the invited player your larger inventory, and have him or her leave with the quit option in the pause menu to save the invited player's now larger inventory. Then, invite a player back into your game, and repeat the process again to multiply the drop items. Sell unwanted items to get an unlimited amount of money. To have unlimited health, keep duplicating the med kit. Then, equip the your most valuable melee weapon or buy one from a merchant , and throw it. While the weapon is in mid-air, open your inventory, and drop the thrown weapon to duplicate it one thrown and one dropped. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Sell all the extra duplicated weapons for unlimited money. Note: If you buy the two backpack upgrades, you can carry more weapons and farm much quicker. Always keep a repaired version of your favorite weapon in the inventory. Use the duplicates to kill enemies, and when the weapon is about to break you can make a new duplicate. Thus, you will never run out of weapons. If you want to farm for money, you should stay in a quiet area near a safe zone, as the noise may attract enemies. Go to the Tower, and sleep until it is night XP doubles during the night. Leave the Tower, go down the stairs, and look to your left to see two barrels in front of a small building. Climb the barrels and then the building with R1. When you are at the top of the building, fall backwards, and repeat climbing the barrels and building again to get Agility XP per second. Proceed through the main missions until you escape "The Pit" to unlock a small floating safe house. You can use this area to easily level up your Power skills. Before starting, make sure you have a good weapon. If it is not night, sleep to change it to night, as you will gain extra XP for killing enemies at night. Leave the floating safe house, and kill the first zombie while using camouflage. Killing zombies when camouflaged gives bonus XP Level 9 Survival skill is when camouflage becomes available. Then, kill the two giant zombies and all of the surrounding ones to gain a lot of Power XP. Make sure you are hitting the zombies in the head to gain bonus XP. After killing all of the zombies, go back to the bed in the safe house, and sleep until it is night. Repeat this process until your Power skill level is maxed. Note: Having another player sit at the bed will make this process faster. Unlock the Bolter feeding grounds, then go to the nearest safehouse. Wait until night, then go out, kill the Bolter very quickly, and run back to the safehouse for a quick 3, Survivor Points. Alternately, run around and get a few of the red spitting women enemies to chase you. Then, run to the safehouse, straddle the fence, and crouch so they are spitting at you but cannot hit you. Remain there until morning to get approximately 30, Survivor Points. If you stay out at night, you get double points for everything. However, you will also get points just for surviving the night outside. For easy Agility and Survivor Points and whatever other points you feel confident enough to get , remain anywhere outside for the entire night in a high building. The trick is to remain quiet. When you are quiet, the zombies will not hear or see you. You can be on the middle of a wire plank or walkway the entire night if desired. After completing the game, the repeatable side missions will be available again with randomly placed blue chests that contain helpful items from the G. After completing the game, you can use fast travel to all the main areas in the game Slums, Old Town, and Antenna. This is very useful when searching for collectibles and completing all side quests. The game does not actually tell you that you can go back to the other maps or that there is a fast travel option. To fast travel between the Slums and Old Town, go to your bedroom in the Tower. There is a poster on the wall that lets you immediately travel to the other map. To travel to Antenna, use the door in the north of the Slums or the sewer entrance in the north of Old Town there are only some flags and zombie statues there. You can also go back to the sewers if desired; the access points are marked on the map and are the same that you took during the story missions. Go to the series of small islands that are east from the mainland. Search the rocky outcroppings for a supply crate. Once there, dive in the water to find another crate on the sea floor. Grab the Nuclear Codes from it. Then, find an area that has two open warehouses, in the middle of a facility with grain silos. Note: The Behemoth monster and train tracks that intersect are nearby. Enter one of the warehouses to get a Military Transport Key from a container against one of the walls. Go to the lake near the huge dam to find a body floating near its center. Search the corpse to get the Military Activation Key. Go to the eastern side of the map to find a two-lane road that runs north and south. It is located a short distance northwest from a town on the shore. Travel along that road to find a military caravan. Enter the convoy and use the Military Transport Key on the card reader to open the entry door. The Military Activation Key will allow you to access the computer. Use the Nuclear Codes on the bomb. The EXPcalibur sword appears randomly as loot. However, you can always find one in the southeast corner of the map. Travel to the boat house at the large lake in that area. Note: The blocked bridge should be on your left. Proceed along the rocky shore to your right until reaching the very edge. Look out towards the middle of the lake to see a very small island. Swim to the island to find a body holding the sword. The sword's loot icon will read "This EXPcalibur belongs to me. Once the sword is obtained, the corpse will catch on fire and reveal the blueprint for the EXPcalibur. The sword cannot be repaired and will eventually break after a few hits. However, it is very power and can kill most zombies with a single hit. Since its stats improve with your level, it is recommended to collect it later in the game. Travel to the northern end of the Slums, and enter the middle safe zone. Travel east to a building shaped like a backwards "C". Find the blue toolbox hidden behind wooden crates and blue barrels on the rooftop of the building, then kick it approximately 75 times until it opens to reveal the blueprint for the Korek Machete. It is recommended to get the Korek Machete as soon as possible to make the rest of the game easier. The Korek Machete does damage, can take 35 hits, and has handling. You can also craft the weapon as often as desired since it only costs 10 alcohol and 20 metal parts which are the most common materials and can also be bought from merchants. The machete has four upgrade slots, which you can use to increase the damage to over Note: The Korek Machete weapon is named after Korek, the nickname of Techland's optimization lead developer. Climb to the rooftop of the last building in the southwestern corner of Old Town. Jump on the chimney on the very top of the roof to find a green pipe. Interact with the pipe to be taken to World , which is a reference to the Mario series. Proceed through the special area until you reach the first gap that you must jump over the red water. Then, go backwards so you are standing on the sixth block from the gap. Jump a few times to reveal a hidden block. Climb on top of the hidden block to obtain the Pyza Suit blueprint, which allows you to momentarily glide through the air. One of them is on a ledge above ground level, behind the tilted tower to the northwest. The other stone is on the edge of the beach, at the southwest side of the museum. After collecting both stones, place them inside the eye sockets of the skull inside Ishaq's apartment during the "Shadow Of The King" side quest. The "Right Hand Of Glova" blueprint is a reference to the lead game play developer. Travel to the Tower's rooftop, then go to the back of the rooftop. Interact with the checkers board to make a move. Leave the area by using the elevator, then immediately return. Interact with the board again to make another move. Repeat the process a few times until you win the game of checkers to get the Sick Bomb blueprint. Note: "Sick" is the nickname of one of the game's lead level designers. During the Rupert The Gunsmith quest chain, explore the Magic Fortress in Old Town to find a pink teddy bear in the empty room of the kindergarten, on the floor above Rupert. Activate the teddy bear repeatedly until it explodes to get the Stasis Field Projector blueprint. Search the indicated locations to find blueprints for the corresponding weapons and the required ingredients to craft them:. Location: Travel north from Jasir's farmhouse and proceed along the path. It is on a shelf inside a building. Location: Travel south from Bilal's workshop and proceed along the path until you find a Chinese restaurant. Enter the restaurant to find it in the far corner. Location: Travel east from the large lake and enter the barn through the window on the upper floor. Search the drawer to find it. Location: Travel northwest from Jasir's farmhouse and enter the barn near the north side of the lake to find it on a shelf. Location: Enter the Water Processing Faculty on the east side of the lake. Open the chest to find it inside. Sometimes the soldiers that appear in safe houses will be armed with guns. If the soldiers die, their guns and ammo will drop and can be collected. Bring a propane tank into a safe zone, and throw it at an armed guard until he dies. Then, take his weapon and ammunition. Repeat the process as desired when another guard respawns. Weapons can be upgraded in two ways, through blueprints and upgrade slots. Both blueprints and slots can be found hidden in various locations. Every weapon has upgrade slots. Higher quality weapons will have more upgrade slots. If a weapon has an empty upgrade slot, go to your inventory, and select the upgrade mod you want to apply to it. Different upgrade mods increase different stats. The following is a list of all upgrade mods and their respective upgrades:. Blueprints do not require an upgrade slot on a weapon. However, they do require various crafting ingredients. Blueprints can add the following modifications to a weapon:. Use Night Sense to detect crafting ingredients in containers and other caches. Industrial areas may contain Metal Parts, Blades, and other items, while weapons are usually found locked inside vehicles and buildings. Note: Some crafting ingredients, such as Common Plants and Algae, will appear on the map. In the Antenna area, climb the large antenna until you reach the zip lines. Use the zip line that takes you towards the mountains northeast , then search for a Toxic Lichen plant on one of the rocks, on the south side of the hole. It will teleport you to a Plants vs. Zombies mini-game where zombies are fighting plants. There are two ways to get a 9mm pistol. The easiest is to pick it up from the cottage in the bottom right corner of the Slums. The pistol always spawns at this location, and you can get it right after the game starts or at any other time desired. The second way is to lock pick police vans. Look for them on highways, and bring some lockpicks. You cannot get a pistol from human enemies, as they only have rifles and melee weapons. The pistol is a crucial part for completing the Gunslinger side quest from the upper tower in the Slums. The Gunslinger side quest gives you access to a pawn shop that contains two text collectibles. There is a secret underwater cave at the far northeast corner of the Slums. Start at the safe house found along the eastern border, closest to the north edge of the shore. Follow the river north until you see a small boat that is flipped over to your left. Go left and proceed until you reach a small barricade blocking off the area. Jump over the barricade, and swim through the submerged tunnel until you reach the cave. When you search the cave, a message will appear saying "Your destiny is to build your legend and get loot. Once you defeat the zombies, you can search the bodies to collect the loot. After collecting the loot, a message will appear saying "Enough! Patch 1. Better do some quests. Look along the wall on the right side of the cave to find another path leading to more water. Jump in and swim along the left wall to reach a second open-air cavern that contains a treasure chest. Then, turn left and climb up the rock wall at the dead end to find a second duffel bag. When you do not need a weapon any longer, open your inventory, and dismantle it to gain Metal Parts. Metal Parts can be used to repair other items. Although this is not as good as selling a weapon, it can be used to obtained Metal Parts immediately when needed. Runners are people that just became infected. They still have the ability to run, jump, etc. To easily kill them, regardless of where you are, lead them to a larger vehicle, such as a van. It takes awhile for Runners to get on top of it. Use that opportunity to kill them. The monsters that come out at night are Volatiles. They are very fast and deadly. However, their biggest weakness is electricity. If you have a weapon that has the "electrocutioner" or some other form of electricity on a sword, use it on them. It should only take a few hits to kill them. Note: Make sure to search the Volatiles after killing them since they often carry a lot of money. While walking with Babar during the "A Werewolf" escort side quest, enter the second hangar that Babar passes by. Turn on the electric switch inside near the entrance to make the zombies dance. After progressing far enough in the game, you will find a guitar in your room at the Tower. You can pick it up and play it, but it will sound terrible. During the "Siblings" mission in the school, you can find a "Guitar Lessons" book. After reading the book, try playing the guitar again. Various posters and billboards feature a QR code. When scanned, it will take you to www. During the clinic mission where you need to carry samples, you can find a folder with a QR code. You can actually call , the number featured on various taxis, and it will ring through to the cab company. Outside the Tower is a wall with a lot of pictures of missing people, which are the game's developers. There is graffiti of what looks like a simplistic animal on the wall next to the Magic Castle. It is actually a very accurate rendering of a horse from Season 2: Episode 2 of the animated series Adventure Time. Travel to the Old Town area in the northwest corner of the map. Go to the castle-like building found along the cliffs facing the ocean. Climb to the tallest and rounded portion of the building to find a small flag, similar to those that are collected in Assassin's Creed. Grab the flag to get a small amount of experience points. After helping a woman named Selma, enter her apartment in the Tower to find a Ray McCall figure belonging to her son. During the "Gunslinger" mission, you can purchase a Ray McCall figure from the pawnshop. It will appear in your room afterwards, and you can interact with it. During the school mission when you have to go with Jade to find explosives, you can see a zombie torso pinned to a wall with a circular saw blade. This is a reference to a similar scene found in Ravenholm in Half-Life 2. There is a building named "Bites Motel" in the game, which is a reference to the classic movie Psycho , as well as the television series Bates Motel. Go to the school. The designation of the Enterprise, "NCC", can be found spray painted on the wall next to a classroom door. Play Omar's side quest after the blow-up quest with Rahim. After escorting Omar, he will say "And may the fish be with you, always. Enter Town Hall, and walk upstairs. Stand in front of the elevator. You can kill it and loot the body. During the escort mission for Nick Pesto, he will ask you to help him collect some items he lost. Note: You can find Nick tied up inside the back of one of Rais' trucks. One of those items is a ring. Nick will say "One ring to rule them all" when he finds it. During the "Where's My Mother" side quest, to the northeast in the basement is some lotion in a basket. This is a reference to the killer in The Silence Of The Lambs movie who passes lotion in a basket to the women in his basement. In the Antenna area, you can find an RV trailer that contains alien drawings, photos, and the slogan "Believe". A child can be found holding a model of the Master Sword at the sewers. He can later be found at the kindergarten at the Tower after his chain of side quests have been completed. Travel to the indicated location to find the corresponding side quest. Note: Some side quests first require a specific condition to be completed before they appear. Search the indicated locations to find all 17 of Marvin Zucker's Battle Journals. The Flags and Statues are not required. Before attempting to collect the journals, it is first recommended to complete the story, as some of them are hidden in areas that require certain story progression. You can still access all areas after completing the game by using fast travel nothing is missable. To view how many collectibles you have found, open your inventory, and press Square to see an overview of all the text collectibles you have obtained. They all have their own number -- so you can track which ones you are missing. When you are near a collectible, you can use Survivor Sense to mark it with an orange icon hold X. This video guide shows them in the most efficient order with the smallest distance in between. Search the indicated locations to find all eight Quarantine Zones. Successfully complete all eight Quarantine Zones to get the "Trespassing" trophy. The zones are only displayed on your map when you get close to them. Five zones are in the Slums, and three are in Old Town. Most of the quarantines require you to pick up some supply crates in buildings or parking garages. In the others, you have to kill all enemies to clear the area. Before attempting to clear the Quarantine Zones, you should complete the story and get some good weapons because the zones are overrun by hordes of zombies that you will not have a chance against without the right weapons. It is easier to do this in Co-Op mode. Search the indicated locations to find all 34 Notes. Most of the notes can only be collected after reaching a certain point in the story or after completing certain side quests. To make sure you can collect all of them, it is recommended to first complete the story and all side quests. The starting points of the required quests are also shown in this video guide. You can obtain all collectibles after completing the story nothing is missable. After completing the game, you can use fast travel in the Tower to return to Old Town. There is a poster on the wall of your bedroom that acts as a fast travel station. Search the indicated locations to find all 16 Voice Mails. All of the Voice Mails are located in Old Town -- so you first need to make some story progress. You can also collect them after completing the story. The quest starting points are shown in the video. In Old Town, you can find nine posters hidden around the area. Each poster starts a challenge that must be completed within a time limit. The reward for the poster challenges is 10, Survivor XP. The posters can be found at the following locations. After completing all the poster challenges, Bozak will appear on your map. Travel there to obtain the Exploding Throwing Stars blueprint, and kill the madman before escaping. Level Survivor Perks Agility Perks Power Perks 1 0 0 0 2 1, 3 3, 1, 2, 4 5, 2, 4, 5 10, 3, 6, 6 15, 3, 9, 7 20, 4, 11, 8 25, 5, 14, 9 30, 6, 18, 10 40, 7, 21, 11 50, 8, 25, 12 55, 9, 29, 13 60, 10, 33, 14 65, 12, 37, 15 70, 13, 42, 16 72, 14, 46, 17 77, 15, 51, 18 80, 16, 56, 19 95, 17, 61, 20 , 18, 66, 21 , 20, 71, 22 , 21, 77, 23 , 22, 82, 24 , 23, 88, 25 , The Infamy Bridge is in the east of the Slums right side on the world map. Go there at night, and run to the very end of the bridge. Jump down to the water to get the "A Long Way Down" trophy. Note: If it is daytime in your game, you can go to a safe zone and sleep in your bed to make it nighttime. There are spikes all around the map -- on streets, buildings, roadblocks, and many other places. Make sure you have some Molotovs and firecrackers in your inventory. Then, throw the firecrackers on the spikes, and wait for some zombies to arrive. Once there are some zombies standing right in front of the spikes, throw a Molotov and then immediately kick them into the spikes to get the "BBQ" trophy. It also works well with guns, especially if you get headshots. Note: There are fewer zombies that spawn during the early stages of the game. If that is the case, then either throw firecrackers to attract more zombies or return later in the game. Jump on top of a van or bus on the overpasses or large bridge. Lure a crowd of zombies with firecrackers. When about twenty of them have been attracted, throw a Molotov cocktail at them. In single player mode, find a light trap close to a safe zone to allow you to run back and heal between activations. You must reset it before activating it again. Alternately, start a multiplayer game with some other players who have lured zombies in. Activate and reset the light trap without moving. You can easily shock five enemies with electricity simultaneously using electric traps. You can find one very early in the game, on a street north of the safe zone where the game begins Slums. Throw some firecrackers to lure the zombies to the trap. When five or more zombies are in the trap, activate the power switch to kill them and get the "Everybody Dance" trophy. First, unlock the electric fence trap upgrade. Stand above an electric fence trap, throw some firecrackers, then activate the trap. Swords can be bought from merchants later in the game and after completing the story Survivor Level 12 or higher is required to increase the odds. Go to the merchant in the tower Slums , and look at what he is selling. If he does not have a sword or khopesh, go to sleep in your bed to skip time. This will change the items he is selling. Sleep until he is selling a short sword, saber, two-handed sword, or khopesh. Then, travel to Old Town, and go to the location shown in the video it is on the second map where you go later in the story to find the Bad Ass blueprint on a rooftop. It allows you to craft a weapon with fire elemental damage. Use it on your sword or khopesh when you have all the required crafting materials to get the "Gabriel's Sword" trophy. Quarantine Zones are counted as co-op competitions, even when completed in single player mode. Successfully complete all of them to get the "Harran Athletics" trophy. Then, equip a wrench, run towards an enemy, vault over them R1 , and use a weapon attack while in the air R2 to get the "Italian Plumber" trophy. The Drop attack will instantly execute the enemy. The damage stats of your wrench do not matter. Wrenches can be found randomly all over the game world mostly in the early game. They are often in locked chests. If you find one early in the game, keep it for this trophy. If you cannot find a wrench, ask another player for one. You can share weapons with other players by dropping them from your inventory in Co-Op mode. Volatiles only come out at night. When one of these creatures is nearby, it will be marked on the mini-map. If one of them sees you, it will hunt you down. Volatiles are very fast, do massive damage, and have health. They spawn very frequently around the Tower safe zone in the Slums where the game begins and where most main missions start. If it is not night, sleep in your bed to make it nighttime. A very easy way to kill Volatiles is to lure them into the electric fence traps around the Tower. Activate the trap when a Volatile is chasing you. When the Volatile walks into the trap, it should die. If the Volatile does not die right away, you can use the second trap on the other side of the building. The traps recharge after half a minute and can be used again. While the Volatiles are stunned from the electricity, you can also throw grenades or use firearms to kill them more quickly. In Old Town later in the game, there are more flat roofs that are well suited for drop kicking zombies from. Alternately, go to the Infamy Bridge in the Slums, and throw a firecracker at a gap at the edge to lure zombies, and then start kicking them off. When you run out of targets, move to the next gap. Dying Light. PS5 Backward Compatibility. Has Facebook Screwed the Pooch with Oculus? The Life and Death of Motion Controls. The Best Games of Top 7 Badass Comic Stars. Top 10 Good Games. The 7 Fantabulous Faces of Harley Quinn. More Special Features Around The Web. No Cyberpunk? No Problem! Can Gamers Really Trust Facebook? Let's Face It Super Mario is Perfect! Do you like video games more now or sometime in the past? I enjoyed video games much more in the past. Games are the best they've ever been! View Poll History. Follow cheatcc. Top Stories. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy.