[JS0] fallout new vegas remove weapon mods mod

( Updated : October 23, 2021 )

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VIVA NEW VEGAS Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting Fallout: New Vegas console commands
Use the console command perk XXD2EE46, where XX is the load order (in my case it was 10) of the More file. › newvegas › mods. About this mod. Removes level requirements from perks (Made By Request). Permissions and credits. Fallout NV Removing Perk from More Perks i want to remove the PipBoy Upgrade perk, does anyone know how i would do this? Go into GECK or FNVedit and find. › app › discussions. Which means you're screwed if you use mods with perks because apparently the base id changes based on something's load order. It's insane the. OMOD – Item mods. PERK – Perks. QUST – Quests. SPEL - Conditions affecting a character, for better ("Fortify Health"), or worse (. The console is a debugging tool in the PC version of Fallout: New Vegas. It is useful for altering content while in-game and working around bugs. Here's a list of all the best console commands, cheats and item codes in Fallout: New Vegas. You can put a series of console commands into a "batch file" and call that. If you thought the games did not have enough perks, then get more perks. The mod adds unique plus perks to the game that will take you a. Fallout Character Overhaul: Multiple broken file paths which cause missing mesh triangles and pink textures. The installer auto-selects patches for mods you.

This article is under development. It is essentially complete at this time, but new problems and solutions are discovered all the time and added. This a collection of specific common problems and solutions, along with a general checklist of things known to contribute to problems, collected from around the web. The article is organized around various generic topics, with specific mod conflicts or issues that don't fit into the other categories under "Solutions to Miscellaneous problems". If you haven't already, it is suggested to read the wiki article FNV General Mod Use Advice first to understand basic terminology as used here and differences in FNV from other games you may be used to modding. Troubleshooting is a logical process of elimination. If all logic fails, you have to revert back to a vanilla game and slowly re-install mods, testing each one thoroughly before adding the next. It is a trade-off of "time" versus "effort". Where that tipping point lies is up to you. This is why you are always advised to follow a slow "install and test each mod one at a time" procedure when first setting up your game. Then you know specifically which mod is causing your problem, which saves time. The How to ask for help wiki article applies to any game. Read it before posting your next problem in the forums to speed up getting to the correct solution. The time you are wasting otherwise is not just your own. Standard list of things to ask yourself about your current FNV problem: This causes many "strange" problems not otherwise explainable. That article has a link to the official Steam Procedure a good indication that they now recognize the need to correct this. This should be the first solution you try. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time and effort trying other solutions, and still have to move the game files in the end anyway. Are you getting an error message? What is that pointing to as the source of the problem: the game, Steam, or Windows? As of 13 May all "workarounds" that depend upon continued use of the old API will no longer function. That API has been removed, as previously announced more than two years previously. This includes but is not limited to:. This only affects the ability of these tools to login and automate the download from the Nexus site. They continue to perform their other functions. Some people are finding that even after updating NMM to v0. This seems to be resolved by this suggestion from user ElysianMod :. What most recently changed as far as what you have deliberately done to your game is concerned: New, updated, or removed mods or plugins? Did any of the following which interact with the game get updated or changed recently. They are prime suspects if nothing in the game itself changed:. There might have been some unexpected changes. Rename to anything you choose. The purpose is to be able to examine the old files for things you want to be able to replicate in the new versions of the same file. Check that log in the game's root folder: i. Note that writing a file to disk is one of the slowest things a program will do. Having "logging" enabled will have some impact on performance, the degree of which will depend upon your system. Those mods need to see it when they are installed. Is your version of Windows 32 or bit? INI changes to use more than 2GB of memory. See this GB game memory limits and solutions article. They install to different locations. There is a reason MS makes both versions available. Increases available memory. It's related. Did you turn off any "anti-virus" checking software before patching? They see any attempts to alter programs as "malware". Are you using an ENB preset? Alters the graphics environment, including INI changes. If you aren't sure, then probably not. This is a "third party tool" you would have to manually add. You should wait until you have a stable game before adding a "post-processor" like it to the mix. Anti-aliasing, ambient occlusion, anisotropic sample size, v-sync, anything else that is mentioned. If you didn't install either of these then the question does do not apply. Reduces mod conflicts. If you don't like LOOT's results, or wish total control over your LO, see the wiki article Load order and you for an approach to organizing the LO and creating a "merge patch" file to manually resolve conflicts. Do you have more than active plugins in your LO, or more than plugins installed active or not in the game DATA folder? The game can have problems with anywhere from roughly active, or too many installed, depending upon your system. This may manifest in any number of strange ways to include apparent missing meshes and textures that were there before, along with CTDs. If you are having a "red icon" problem, see the ArchiveInvalidation by Manager sub-topic. Are you missing any of the "game fixer" mods? See the Issue: Vanilla game bugs sub-topic for a list of specific recommendations. Rebuilds LOD quadrants quads , which are "load order" dependent. See the wiki tutorial Missing Masters. Are you using a Wrye Flash Bashed Patch or a manually created "merge patch" file? Resolves record level conflicts. See S. Use of "Mod Organizer" is not required. Use the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide to quickly get functional with "Wrye Flash", which I think is the easier approach for a novice modder. If you are using "Wrye Flash" to create a "Bashed Patch", have you gotten all "green" checkboxes for all your mods? See the first post in the pinned thread Fallout New Vegas Beginners guide to modding by gromulos. Was there an update to a mod that has been included in a "merged plugins" or "merge patch" file? Rebuild the "merge" file. Did any system or driver updates occur? Third party processes might be the cause if nothing else changed. Does your hardware meet the game's minimum requirements? Have you tried running the game in "windowed mode"? This has been known to unexpectedly fix CTDs and "out of memory" errors on some older hardware. Try turning off any unnecessary background processes, such as "anti-virus" or "anti-malware" programs unneeded if you are running your game in "offline" mode , multiplayer "overlays" like "OverWolf" this is single-player after all , the Steam overlay, etc. Finally, the problem might be an overheating hardware component. This usually shows up after a period of time which is typically fairly consistent but unpredictable as to when it manifests. Try installing and keeping an eye on a temperature monitor, such as Speedfan freeware. Your motherboard manufacturer probably has one available as well. And it never hurts to clean out any dust collecting in the computer case. Be sure to block any fans from rotating when you blow it out, so they don't send any unfiltered power surges through the system. This is the reliable method to get a mod's own texture and mesh files utilized, assuming you have properly installed those "assets". This post on manual invalidation explains the problem and history quite well. Check you have "ArchiveInvalidation" AI enabled. You may need to "toggle" it off and then on again. Please note that this will create a new mod called "Vortex Archive Invalidation". You can disable or remove that mod like any other but for invalidation to work you should keep it enabled on every profile. If you have to isolate a mod conflict, try first "disabling" half your mods, and testing. If the problem disappears, then you know the mod conflict lies in the "disabled" half of the mods. Re-enable half of the "disabled" half of the mods i. Keep repeating this "halving the remainder" process until you have narrowed it down to the mod that causes the problem only when it is active. This is the quickest way to isolate a problem mod. For FNV a "clean save" from an existing game save seems to be just a "full save" file not a "quick save" that has been loaded, displayed the "missing content" message for the disabled plugin s , and you continued on into the game; and then waiting about 10 seconds for scripts to initialize before saving again. This is a minimal clean save procedure. However, it is usually preferable to test using a "new" game "full save" file from just after you create a "new" character with a different name. This avoids the possible issue of any corruption or problems "burned into" the save file. If disabling mods does not pin down the culprit, then you have to uninstall them to completely remove their influence, because they overwrote something which is causing the problem. You can use the same "halving" technique but often it will be quicker to just uninstall everything and start over from a "vanilla" game that you have tested has no problems. Try renaming the "Users" folder INI files first. Then if that fails: move the "saves" elsewhere, delete that FalloutNV folder's content, and re-install again. Actually, you should move your game from the default location regardless, but I realize this is unwelcome advice to most people. It is still the single best "fix" you can do for yourself. Read that article. When the above is not sufficient to resolve your problem, please report what steps you have tried so we don't waste time suggesting you repeat something. In such cases, report the actual steps: not just "I followed the guide". We need to know you didn't miss or misinterpret something. It's always useful to post your Load Order in "Spoiler" tags. Screenshots are not the best way to convey your LO, because they usually can't include everything in one image and make it difficult to determine if you have too many plugins. It's under the ":" with three dots to the extreme right in it's menu bar. Most "mod managers" have a similar "LO List" capability. But the total number of mods you have installed in the DATA folder is also important, because even inactive plugins are counted against the so-called " cap". Install it manually to the "game root" folder. This point is where mod managers get it wrong. But if you installed it manually and still wonder if you did it correctly, here is where the various original " Silverlock " files belong. The later, forked " xNVSE " version v6. Some people have experienced adverse effects. Use with caution and test the result. When in doubt, start with "2". Upon launching the game after re-installing, it freezes upon getting to the Main Menu screen where you choose to either "start a new game" or "continue to play". On 01 Jun , GOG. As "DRM-free", they do not communicate with Steam. They have been modified to work with the GOG Galaxy client, which is similar to Steam's Client for an online community. Thanks to vulchor and pixelhate on the Nexus "New Vegas Technical Support" forum for quickly assisting with the following information:. You get the error message: "Unable to start steam automatically. Your game may not launch correctly. Sometimes it is necessary to turn off the Steam Overlay in the Steam Client in order to resolve a conflict. Symptoms: Loading a "save game file" takes longer than it used to, by several e. It does eventually complete loading, so this is not the "infinite roulette wheel" problem discussed in "Issue - Incomplete save game load". Note there are "File Paths" for both bit x86 and bit x64 versions on the same download page. Scroll all the way to the bottom and double check which you are downloading. Errors such as a "Preparing to Launch" message loop, or nothing apparently happening when you click to start any Steam game, or system error messages ask to troubleshoot Steam. How do I get the audio in one language e. Normally this error indicates the Steam Client app is not running, but in this instance it is merely the closest guess by the game as to the cause of the problem. This is what I did and I have no idea which one of these steps fixed it but there is no harm in doing all of these, please bear with me:. You should get a version number. Mine is 5. This causes confusion among users of the "Mod Organizer 2 MO2 " manager. The basis of this may or may not work with other similar managers. It has not been tested with them like it has with MO2, so use at your own risk. When you open the launcher, it functions as it should with the music in the background. Also have audio by the time the main menu loads. Whenever you load a game, the loading screen with the roulette wheel has no audio and this screen will freeze for one to two seconds as evidenced by the ball in the roulette wheel stopping. Screen will then go black for a few seconds, and the game will load, but have no audio at this point and there is severe lag. As many people prefer to view a video over reading instructions, the following "performance setup" tutorials are recommended:. Videos usually do not cover any particular part of their subject in depth. They are useful for getting started, but as they are seldom updated written guides are intended to provide more supplementary information when you encounter difficulties. The foundation of game performance is to first optimize your system for gaming. The wrong settings can actually hurt performance, and the defaults are very conservative. Best to leave all three alone. Unless the camera is pointed at the sky or your feet, the ground and all other textures disappear. Messages would become "black boxes", the entire screen becomes black and occasionally flash different colors. Just "glitchy". Eventually after a short period of time the game will CTD. All visual stuttering problems are caused by the video stream having to wait for the "art assets" required to render the display. Keep in mind that this game was designed for older PC and XBox console systems, and it is now possible for your new "latest and greatest" gaming machine to be faster than it can handle. There are internal design choices that cannot be overcome. The following are "mitigations" that have been found to help some people. The NPCs in the background are following their AI routines at a greatly accellerated speed or twitching while standing idle. The ambient music is choppy in both vanilla and modded games. This doesn't happen to the radio music during normal gameplay, but does during loading screens or transitioning between tracks i. Upon entering combat: an audio desync occurs for the duration of the battle. Reported as an issue running "Tale of Two Wastelands". A "weird" AmbientFX special effect noise appears during combat freqently by firing a Laser weapon and won't terminate unless you either quit the game or reload a save game. Everything ambient sound, footsteps, dialogue, radio announcer is working fine except the radio music is missing. Unless you are running a LAN, there are some default configuration settings you can change to improve your Internet download performance and reduce system memory use. It may also reduce incidents of CTDs. It is only available on the TTW site. Fallout New California FNC conceptually is a separate campaign located in California that occurs before both of FO3 and FNV, with a different character generation and requires a "new game" start, but is intended to eventually currently in Beta test allow you to continue as the "Courier" or not into the Mojave. Details: 1. Video Driver Profiles. Fallout "User" INI files. Search through Fallout. This so if your "Users" folder INI files get reuilt for any reason they will include these tweaks. These may help with "audio stuttering" problems. This assumes you have installed NVSE. Download Ogg Vorbis Libraries to improve audio performance. TTW will include the Decompressor as part of it's installer. At this time the latest version is v0. You should be able to use the "WrapperVersion". The basic points and quotations are:. We lose the benefit of reduced stuttering brought by EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks , but gain the benefit of the game no longer crashing or corrupting when the VRAM is not able to hold all of the game's models, textures, shaders, render targets, and frame buffers. If you have a card with a large amount of memory e. If the Vsync is turned off, gamers might obtain a higher frame rate but this action may introduce artifacts in the game. Vsync can also have an effect on "lag". The purpose of Vsync is to eliminate "tearing", a disjointed image. Logs generated by the game itself not Windows are found in the game folder, where the "FalloutNV. EXE" file is located. Checking such logs should always be your first step, as separating "Windows System" from "Game" generated errors will save you from fruitlessly spending lots of time looking in the wrong direction for the cause. It's a debugging tool used for testing cell and reference loading, not a magic fix for memory problems. Overly aggressive purging will cause stutter as purged cells have to be loaded from disk into memory for rendering. Use the above INI settings if you want the game to clear buffers more aggressively than it does by default. There are differences in the hardware "buss" bandwidth, buffers, and speed used by both. GPUs are optimized for high precision numbers and complex mathematical and geometric calculations which are necessary to render graphics. Some CPUs particularly laptops sacrifice precision math processing to reduce power drain and increase battery life, and their "onboard" video chips come without dedicated VRAM for video memory they have to share system RAM. In particular pay attention to the neglected role of "L-caches". The CPU is responsible for directing the graphics data from memory and disk to the video adapter just as for any "peripheral" device. Until it does so, the GPU has nothing to work on. So it is the first potential bottleneck. A MoBo integrated video adapter MAY be able to work in conjunction with an "addon" video card, or it may obstruct one. This is one of those specific design features nobody talks about and you can only work it out by trial and error. However, it does recognize which "port" connector the display is plugged into. As far as the CPU is concerned, the video adapter and the "display" are basically the same: a one way street it sends graphics commands down with at best a stop light to prevent overflows. The video adapter handles the signaling requirements of the display. Solutions can safely be combined, but those with less than 4GB of system RAM need to exercise caution and only implement one at a time, as they will come at the expense of memory otherwise needed by the game and OS. In the "Think tank" after having the last conversation with Dr. Klein, and then exiting the think tank It crashes to desktop. I can tell it's the end of Old World Blues, because of the fact that sometimes it will play music for a second, like it does at the end of the other DLCs, along with your video ending. But it just crashes to desktop. Upon using the game menu to "Exit to desktop", it simply hangs and Windows reports FNV has stopped responding. As this can leave system memory in an unknown state, best practice is to reboot the system first. Naturally this is very annoying. When a spawned actor is killed with an energy weapon, they leave either an "ash" or "goo" pile instead of a body attached to the actor reference in the save game file. If not "cleaned up" these pile up and eventually lead to "save game corruption". The problem goes back to FO3 and a script which was supposed to be activated but wasn't. It can be particularly noticable in exterior "encounter spawn zones" when using energy weapons exclusively with mods that increase the number of encounters before the default cell reset timer kicks in or if the player lingers in the cell too long. Specific known example of this is the It is implied by the alternate 3. However, you can press the "Windows Logo" key assuming your keyboard has one. This setting is also necessary for Oblivion and Fallout 3. For a complete list of the console commands, type help in the console. If you are in the UK, and have your keyboard configured for the UK, the key is not going to be the same. That's where the tilde is on most US keyboards. If you have a system with the Microsoft eHome remote sensor, aka "infrared" or MS Media Center devices, these will conflict with the program being able to read the scan code for the tilde key from the keyboard. Those Microsoft eHome devices or drivers need to be disabled in order to allow the game to 'see' the tilde key being pressed. Source: Gamebryo and Creation console commands. This issue occurs with the vanilla game and no mods installed. It may have worked fine with older versions of Windows, but now fails with the latest. In certain locations the game appears to freeze when looking in certain directions. Attempting to use the mouse to turn in place takes seconds to respond in changing the direction of view. Known problem locations:. Sometimes "strange things happen" when you press a key and you wonder just what keystrokes were being sent. Symptoms: Suddenly vision "zoom" features such as "scoped weapons" and dialog "close-in to observe the speaker's face" and related manual controls are no longer working. So you don't forget, see Issue: GECK crashes upon starting to have the executable itself prompt you, or create a "shortcut" link which prompts you for this. For instance, if the player is in a room with walls on all sides, the player cannot see anything outside of the walls. Objects behind these walls don't need to be rendered. While this seems obvious to us, game engines sometimes have a hard time making these decisions. In order to help the game know to not render anything outside the walls, we have special tools available to us to optimize the room. Thanks to these tools the game can make smarter decisions about what to render and what to cull without having to perform complex line-of-sight and occlusion calculations. But because these are not related to adjacent cells anymore, you end up with large invisible parts. Obviously, the value of this setting depends upon circumstances. Some cells need this value enabled, others need it disabled , so it is not "set once and forget". The GECK will automatically add any "master" file that it has loaded when you save your plugin. These are usually ESM files, but there are exceptions. The game engine and GECK will consider any file with the ESM flag set in the file header as a "master" regardless of the file extension. Best case: that part of your mod just doesn't work. Worst case: it crashes the game. Once a "master" file has become listed as part of a plugin's "file header" record, you have to use xEdit to "Clean Masters" to remove it safely or you will corrupt your plugin. This procedure is described in the Tome of xEdit manual. ESP to mymod. INI file. This file gets created when you first start using the GECK , and saves any customizations you make to it's interface e. The problem that can arise is when your changes don't work out as you intended and you wish to revert to the default values. INI" file. There may be a "reset" button in the GECK window, but it only affects the current edit session: resetting to the values in effect when the window opened. Therefor: it is your responsibility to make a backup of either the initial or your stable customized version of GECKPrefs. INI so you have the default values to refer to. Otherwise, all you can do is delete or rename the file and let GECK rebuild it the next time it starts. This behavior is initiated by the presence of files with those DLC names and the ". These are nothing more than a plaintext ASCII file with the name of the DLC on a single line internally, and a filename that matches the significant portion of the plugin name e. You can create a ". Don't forget to remove them when you move on to a different mod project. It is recommended to simply add a different extension e. That way they can easily be restored when needed. In other words, if you created a mod with the ". It will still depend on the DLCs since it was saved in that configuration even if you didn't use any assets from the DLC. If you create a new mod after removing the ". Sometimes, after initially creating an "interior" cell, upon trying to work on an "exterior" cell, the GECK crashes when the cell tries to load. It covers all the documented bugs in the game engine. As such, it is worth consulting whenver you encounter something apparently not working as expected. Mod authors who attempt their own solutions to these may find them superceded later by patches to the game engine. Coordination with the various "extender" teams is suggested first. Typically this is a "list box" type field on the form. Created a new world space and set WastelandNV as parent, using land and map data from the parent. Everything seems to be working fine except for a huge gray square covering most of the render window when trying to view the new world space. It is also accessible from the "Pause Menu" screen during a game session. It is only visibly in effect in FPV. Only certain weapons have this "feature", though some mods add it to weapons that lack it in vanilla. When this setting is enabled, those weapons will switch:. Without the "True Iron Sights" setting to ON, the same "weapon centered in the screen" view is displayed, but the "rear sight" on the weapon is lower down and you cannot "truly" align the front and rear sights. You use the "crosshair" instead. The situation is a bit more complex than it appears on the surface. Apparent weapon position is determined by the animation files. It is also tied in with whether or not you use the game's "Auto Aim" feature, which is active by default. In addition there are various "Field of View" FOV settings the game switches between under certain circumstances, which affect what is visible of the scene. From TweakGuides :. With "full auto" weapons, when aiming down the "iron sights" in 1st person and firing even with "JIP Select Fire" set to single shot the whole weapon seems to jump down so that the iron sights are below the actual aim point. When you stop firing it returns to normal. The camera zooms back out, but nothing else. Sometimes this appears as a gap between the hand and the weapon; sometimes as the weapon cutting into the hand. Symptoms: When worn, the Authority Glasses don't "sit right"; as in dangle off the face incorrectly hanging down the side as if from one ear. The number can be changed to further increase or decrease the duration. EBT increases this to It won't prevent multiple decals from being shown, but if you lower the number, additional decals above the value you set for this variable will fade out very quickly FalloutPrefs. The Fallout series is known for being "bloody" and "gory" with dismembered limbs, exploding heads, and chunks of viscera "gore globs" and splashes of blood lying about. The game does have a generally undocumented setting to turn ALL the blood and gore off, which is apparently enabled by default in the German regional "no gore" version; but no finer control over the chances of such occurring when sufficient damage is applied. Symptoms: All NPCs start to bob up and down whenever looked at from close range. Zooming in on them causes it from any distance, even with a vanilla game. When you unpack the BSA's to do modding for Fallout NV, the Actor's grow abnormally large foreheads which make people look half-bald, and make it so hair sticks out of hats, or hats become embedded in the heads. Problems getting various custom body replacements, such as "Type 3" and "Type 6", to work correctly. Since most of these are classified as "Adult" mods, you may need to change your Nexus Profile "Content Blocking" setting to access them. Problems getting custom heads or head elements e. Hair and Eyes to work correctly with a specific body replacement mod. There is a long standing issue with custom races, hair and eye incompatibility causing CTD. This is most commonly seen as a difference between the skin color of the head and the body. This is a "texture" problem. Adjusting the tone sliders in the racemenu does not change anything. No matter your opinion of the matter, one of the most common reasons for installing a "body replacer" is to enable a "nude body" when clothing and armor are removed. Since these are classified as "Adult" mods, you may need to change your Nexus Profile "Content Blocking" setting to access them. Some would prefer to not have to get into the complexities of resorting to "custom races" to get this feature. Commonly seen with Fallout Character Overhaul FCO designed to remodel NPC faces in combination with various other character mods and mods that affect appearance, especially eyes. This can be done successfully, but requires close adherence to the FNVR3 install instructions. Even so, many people have had problems with crashes and performance in heavily modded games. Basically every time you get shot or hit, a very broken square pops up in the direct middle of the screen with no idea what exactly is causing it. Upon opening a save, the player character is suddenly invisible except for their shadow. NPCs act like the character is present. Loading an earlier save doesn't have the problem. Desire to remove visible map markers in a mod that appear before the site has actually been visited. This problem seems to occur more frequently with high-end systems, but across all sorts of platforms and video cards. Avoid placing Havokable objects [to include movable statics ] near portals that they might be knocked through. If the Havok engine causes the object to move because the player picked it up with the Z key, or an explosion threw it then the object will continue to be drawn so long as the object is in the motion under the control of the Havok system. However, once the object comes to rest, it is passed back to the normal renderer, and is once again drawn only for people in room A If you are in room B, with the object, it will be invisible to you. The left arm appears totally mangled. There can be a problem with the mod New Vegas - Enhanced Camera by LogicDragon when drawing a weapon even bare hands in "First Person View" while wearing Power Armor or Elite Riot Armor in which half of the view is blocked by the left shoulder pauldron. This affects what can be seen in the HUD, especially distorting items at the edges. You may find some things invisible, not rendered, or apparently "transparent walls" in some interior cells; without ENB or other "post processor" installed or active. A companion has suddenly gone "invisible" in the game, and nothing seems to make them visible again. Their marker appears on the Pipboy map, but they do not seem to physically be there upon traveling to that location. Symptoms: Walls and ground textures seem to strangely disappear and re-appear from close view at night. This might appear to be due to a missing or fading texture. Symptoms: After installing mods, actors' faces and some surfaces have an excessively bright glow or shine in both interiors and exteriors. Symptom: Note this is not "sun glare", which is when you look directly at the sun in game. Be aware that there is a "light dome effect" around the New Vegas strip which is quite visible from a distance at night. Daylight surfaces within this dome area are blindingly bright from some angles on default settings. This appears to be by design. Symptoms: A "vanilla" from the publisher component of the game Main or any DLC is missing or has "messed up" components such as missing the buildings or objects in the distance, meshes, textures, etc.. Entering some locations e. Collision still seems to be functioning the character doesn't fall through the "gray areas" if they are entered. Symptoms: the Player displays a limp even after having been healed of damage. If it's an animation, then it's a 'feature' of the game or some mod ; not a bug. It indicates the Actor has broken a limb. If it "heals" without the proper treatment, it becomes "permanent". Playing with widescreen and high resolution x or higher and have a problem with scope zooms white square edges or just edges in the reticle and the scopes have an outstretched circle. Note: this is very similar to the problem with "B-n-B" bodies discussed under the Issue - Body Replacer - Custom Body Types entry: having the same issue of differences in "bone attachment points" and "bone weighting". Some visual effect such as "Cateye", "HUD Shudder", or "chem" induced blur won't wear off or go away. Based upon this Reddit thread. After installing a Body, Armor, or Skin replacement mod, wound decals no longer appear on most enemies. When they do appear, it's only on the legs. This happens with non-humanoid NPCs like Bighorners as well. I joined all gore caps into one mesh 1 for torso caps, 1 for limb caps , joined all possible armor parts into one via Blender Outfit1 and Outfit2 were separated because they use different texture paths. However, for any addon body part, like heads, arms, other armor parts This is often desired to determine the source of a missing texture solid color or mesh the White "! Example: Uninstalled "Fallout Character Overhaul" FCO in mid game, but forgot to switch to a vanilla race first and got stuck in the ground and constantly have to use the "tcl" console command to rise up vertically. The most obvious symptom is a Caucasian head on an other racial body. Symptoms: Despite carefully tailoring the Vigor Testor "psych eval" answers to get specific "tag" skills, there is always one unanticipated skill "tagged", such as Lockpick even though there are only three answers that should "tag" it. The explosion does the following:. Symptoms: Upon first arriving at Nipton neither Swanick nor Vulpes appear although they can be spawned through the commands. However the Legionanaires that should accompany Vulpes do appear. Symptoms: When equipping a weapon specifically noticed with a "shotgun" , the damage for all other Player weapons changes wildly until it is "unequipped". This occurs even without any mods installed. However, sometimes only the first companion in the list is sent away, and the others come along as part of your party. Upon returning, Ghost People are nearly "invincible" as reported in each of the mentioned mods comments. There are a couple of potential bugs here. Even though you have completed "Honest Hearts", gotten everything from the rewards locker and have the "Map of Zion" from the Sorrows Camp, upon activating the cave door to the Southern Passage you get the message that without a guide or a map you have no hope of finding your way back to the Mojave. Just after completing the "Deliverer of Sorrows" quest: Joshua Graham will approach when you leave the Narrows and speak to you with a quote from the bible. However, with this bug he leans in to talk but then pans back out. You can't go into third person until you speak to him: but the dialogue doesn't trigger. This is an old bug reported at least as far back as May As in blowing up the silo and running back to the elevator, get stuck unable to move after the cutscene is done playing. The issues can appear both before and after a cutscene plays. The freeze is always immediately preceded by the growl of a tunneler. For some, when they come close to the exit point of the Tunnel, their also FPS drops massively. The latest version 2. Even with all the required mods, there can be problems getting things to work correctly. Whenever shooting repetitively from a semi-auto weapon or in that firing mode, the game stutters more and more until it eventually freezes for 0. Upon switching to shooting "full auto" or after not shooting completely for a second or two before resuming again, the stutter is gone and everything is just fine again. This is a joke "easter egg quest" to obtain 30 specifically named "drunken gnome" statues, included as part of the " NVInteriors Project " mod by ChuckSteel. Hint: The author located them almost the same distance apart from one to the next with only a couple exceptions. Billy the Boomer - At the top of the tower at Nellis. Must go through the new building in Nellis from the interiors mod to reach it. Colonel Klink- on a cliff to the left of the Remnant Bunker. Follow the cliff edge to the left as you face the bunker entrance. Go to the top of the hill and look in the first depression by the cliff top. He is next to the cliff against the edge of the hill. Easiest to find in the daylight. Festus - In the back of one of the Sunset Sarsaparilla trucks out by the Sunset Sarsaparilla factory. Gomer - On the right side of the El Dorado Gas station, between the building and the large gas tank. Located on top of the hill above the mine entrance. Larry the Lush - Quarry Junction, inside the large shovel bucket on the left side of the quarry floor. Major Tom - at the Old Nuclear Test Site, at the top of the small hill next to the sand bag observation area; to the right of the sand bags as you face the truck. Otis- in Gypsum Train Yard behind a dumpster beside the main building. Beware the Deathclaws. Party Time- in the Repconn Test Site in the rubble on right far side of the building. The rubble pile is past the rocket and though the arch. R - Originally in freeside, by the north gate. Go through the North Gate into Freeside. Take the first left between the building and the Mormon Fort. There is a building behind Genaro, the meat salesmen. Go left again behind the building and left again at the back towards the open dumpster. There will be some stuff in front of it - you may have to jump in to spot it. Should be in the back left corner. There should be meat or a body in front of it, if you have NVB I installed. He was moved for TTWInteriors to the part of Freeside with the King school, and was supposed to be for NVInteriors as well in but no update has been published since Private Ryan - this is in Boulder City. This gnome is behind one of mobile homes, between it and the wall, in a bush opposite the radio tower on the south side of the ranger station. The Lone Ranger - is In Bonny Springs, in the corner of a destroyed house on the left side as you enter the main street. Should be the one next to the intact building about mid block. Whisky Dick - In Primm, on the highest point on the roller coaster. Used TCL to get to it. Willy the Wino - at the Crashed Airliner Site, in front of the large bolder just behind the honey mesquite tree. There is a downhill slope, so the base of the rock is much lower than the plane. If there have been any explosions in the vicinity, he might have been tossed further into the desert. This is a separate mini-quest in NVInteriors which is a bit harder to get started but much easier to finish if your looking. Successful completion gets an apartment overlooking the North Gate of the Strip. To the right as you face the Strip Gate, there is a locked set of double doors at the end of the multi-story building. Based off the description in the ReadMe file, that should be the location of the prize for finding the cards. Hint 1: the cards are small so they are only placed in Checksteel' s "NV Interiors" cells; not all over the world but they don't show up until the quest starts so you may have to retrace your steps. Look carefully at the poker game on the table and locate the card. All the cards will have "Vargas" in their title. Back to suite overlooking the North Gate of the Strip and you are on your way. The second joker is somewhere in Nellis AFB but you only need to find one to start the quest so don't bother looking for the second joker, as it gets disabled when you find the first one. There is a forum thread NV Interiors 52 Card Pickup Quest where people have reported the locations of all the cards if you need help. This is dangerous to your save game. So "Timescale: 6" equals "" "6 game minutes:1 real minute" or "60 game minutes for every 10 real minutes". Unable to perform actions like harvesting plants or use a campfire because the game thinks you are a "child". The corpse unexpectedly remains upright until 'bumped' by the player. This 'havok' collision will cause the corpse to drop to the ground and sprawl out. Some Actors appear to hang by a limb in the air after they are dead. As in: they appear to dangle from their wrist or ankle or crumbled over an invisible fence. While similar, this is not the same as the Issue - Corpse in -T- crucifix pose problem. This is not a bug, or something that can be "fixed". It takes some understanding of how this necessary game "garbage collection" works. But this is usually hindered by all the [omitted] blood on the screen and I can barely see what's going on. Every time this occurs, character loses 5 or 6 HP. Also, keeps getting sleep deprivation even though "Hardcore mode" is not on. This applies when any large number of NPCs who are probably in the same Faction are suddenly not acting as expected. Example: Even with the "Mark of Caesar" and while wearing Legion faction armor, legionnaires attack. While most commonly seen when using FOMM as the mod manager, the problem can occur when attempting to install the mod by switching between different mod managers. Some effects such as "flash bangs" or electronic "zaps" may suddenly reduce all your "combat skills" to zero. Positive values are not permitted. Symptom When attempting to install a ". FOMOD" file, there is almost always a problem preventing it. UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path [ However, it has been found to become inaccurate over time more quickly if the timescale is adjusted to anything other than the default of 30 and eventually to fail to advance at all. This causes problems with many vanilla and mod scripts; particularly in "Hardcore Mode" where the sudden advance can cause instant, unexpected death. As in: a critical hit to the head should generally kill a human. A few bullets to the torso should knock a human out of the fight. Can't shoot through openings in railings, bridges, vehicles, etc. Using either of the main plugins alone has no apparent problem. This was an experiment by the author in making a companion, which was never completed and accidentally left in version 1. KillActor ResurrectActor. RemoveFromFaction 01b2a4. The usual resolution is to get such plugin "masters" sorted to conform to the overall "game load order", using xEdit. However, the difference in how xEdit loads files from the game's sorted "load order" i. It is an indispensable tool for tracking down record conflicts between plugins, so it is worth the time to learn how to use it. Because you can change and therefor "break" things , don't try to use it without a basic understanding of how it works. This is the merest outline of how it can be used for a specific purpose. The "record number" consists of a "mod index" and it's sequential position within the plugin. Please see the short article Help:Form IDs on how to interpret the "mod index". The "vanilla" ones provided by the base game and DLCs can be found on the The Vault and Nukapedia wikis in the page describing each. The differences between them are important to understand. If a mod has added it's own new record for example: a new "Perk" or "Trait" , then you have to find the information in that mod's documentation, description, or comments page. Any required "master" plugins will automatically be selected for you. Then wait for the plugins to all be loaded see the "messages" tab in the right-hand pane for the "done loading" message. Now look down the list of plugins in the left hand pane for your chosen plugin to examine it should be the last :. Unfortunately it only provides the first couple of words of the description of the "Perk" in question, which often is not enough to tell you what it affects. But it will often give you enough information to know if you need to look it up further in the documentation for the parent plugin which will be the first column in the right-hand pane , or if you need to open the plugin in the GECK and examine the record there where you can see more detail. Other plugins on that row will be modifying values in that record. But a brand new record introduced by a plugin will not have any other plugin in a column to the left of the one introducing that "new" record. Any to the right of that plugin will be modifying it's original record. Any plugins to the right of any given column are "potential conflicts". See the Tome of xEdit for how you can choose which values from which plugin will actually be used. This is informational to explain the underlying cause. There is no "fix" to implement. Unfortunately, each regional language version of the Fallout New Vegas game other than English has completely different FormIDs for all records from b75a and above, which also affects all references to those records in all records below that as well. While this has obvious implications for translators, it also means mods developed for a different language version of the game won't work "out of the box" in another language. The FormIDs won't match. Conversion would require determining what the FormID in one language version is in the other language version. What's important is not the "record type" part e. But in a "Regional" language version of the game, the record number from "FalloutNV. Changing the FormID in the mod e. You can't just change the name of a "language specific" plugin to keep compatibility with other later-loading "English language" mods. It might sound like a good idea at first, but it would run the very real risk of less knowledgeable people attempting to run incompatible mods without even knowing it until something goes wrong, and then having no way to work out what is causing their issue and not knowing which mod is at fault. Sometimes an active effect that is supposed to have a duration fails to expire. Mods can create their own "Base Effects" as well as delete existing effects. Unless an "Actor Effect" has a "condition" it is permanent. Occasionally hearing a rapid "thumping" or "slow buzzing" sound, like something is vibrating or falling off shelves. Sometimes you find a chem or other temporary effect has caused a stat to become "stuck" in a "buff" bonus or "debuff" penalty state. While previously working, suddenly the quick key binding for weapons no longer functions, and cannot be rebound. Note the "Installing" section contains important instructions regarding the placement of certain files, including specific versions of DirectX files. Copy these files if necessary. Failure to heed this is the second most common cause of failure. If you do uninstall, be sure to remove the provided D3D9. DLL file. However, do note that it is required to use the ENBoost feature, which is separate from the post-processor effects. EXE" file they moved there when installing that executable. This does not apply to the " injector " method, which requires the "D3D9. DLL" file to remain in the game root folder. This is suggested so that any files added to the game root folder like ENB or Sweetfx will work properly without any further work on the users part. The executable filename following the "-laaexe" switch can actually be anything to which the "LAA" flag has been applied. The parameter is optional and can be skipped if you do not need the filename changed upon loading. Such presets along with ENB itself generally cannot be installed successfully using a mod manager, because mod managers assume they belong in the game's "Data" folder. This is THE most common error. Note that some presets make use of files that appear in the game "load order". Make backup copies of any INI file before editing or overwriting. See the sub-topic Issue: Game in slow motion. In order to increase performance i. Which trade-offs matter to you the most is a very personal thing. Performance is reduced by two factors: 1 number of textures created in video memory; 2 total size of textures created in video memory. When there is not enough video memory, ENBoost begins deleting resources by their usage priority; it also removes unused after 5 seconds. Make sure the game video settings i. All your texture replacements should be of the same resolution. There are tools that will let you adjust them to other resolutions if needed. Note this generally means "no laptops" not specifically designed for games. If that doesn't help, check if a lower resolution affects performance. If it does, then it's the GPU as described above. Make sure these parameters are also set:. ENB performance under Windows 10 is acknowledged to just be bad. The ENB author hasn't switched to it and can't really help with whatever is causing the issues. It is known, for instance, that the Win10 DirectX 9. These were design decisions by Microsoft and not much can be done until they address them. Please refer to the S. It is easy to forget the changes to all files when testing various presets. There are separate S. Note that tweaked ENB settings for one game will not necessarily produce the same result in another game. That used the Creation Engine, which is based upon the Gamebryo engine but Bethesda enhanced. Use caution when applying ENB settings from one game to another. Test one at a time to see the impact of each. Understand what you are doing. It's your system and your responsibility. Changing other settings will have an impact upon the final visual result. Expect one tweak to lead to others. For this reason it is advisable for novices to search out other presets emphasizing performance and try them first. Specifically, whenever entering a cell near the Colorado River, a strong purple hue affects the lighting and scenery. Screens are measured diagonally, so it is not a simple "double each dimension" formula. Then you have to account for "depth" as well as "color range" information as part of the memory requirement for each pixel. ENBoost is considered virtually a requirement for 4K textures. Please see "Texture Size" on the TESTG site Overview page regarding the visual effects of higher resolution image sizes and their display in games before choosing to use larger than default size image textures. However, it works differently by providing dynamic "intermediate speed" caching of video object geometry in system memory when the video adapter runs out of room, instead of CTD. This most commonly occurs when higher resolution texture mods are used. For a more detailed explanation, see the S. Project Guide:ENB article. ENBoost is a stand-alone component called "enbhost. Therefore, it is recommended for all users. See the S. If you have installed ENB correctly you should see on the loading screens in the upper left corner something similar to:. Note the "available texture memory" line at the bottom. First you must recognize that any "post-processor" is going to have an adverse impact upon your game performance. The choice is up to you, but remember that there are always trade-offs between "prettier" and "performance". The following management tools are intended primarily to allow you to keep track of and switch between different "preset" configurations, but may provide other capabilities. Most are for ENB, but one recognizes three different post-processors. Some provide the ability to include "in-game" changes in your own configuration files or back into the original preset. Read their download page descriptions carefully. Most are posted in the "Nexus Skyrim Mods" section, but are not specific to that game. Their ability to detect and work with other game folders is something to check. The install instructions of "post-processors" generally don't anticipate the use of "indirect game launch" programs like FNV4GB. From Nexus Mods Wiki. Jump to: navigation , search. Don't overlook the power of a simple "cold restart" aka "cold boot". Before spending a lot of time chasing a problem, see if it's merely temporary by having Windows "Shut down" power off your computer, waiting 30 seconds so RAM completely discharges it's contents , and powering on again. Check the version numbers between those sites and use the latest v0. Please see this Nexus site news article for details. This includes but is not limited to: Nexus Mod Manager v0. Go to NMM "Settings". Then restart NMM. Make sure NMM gives your user account the correct permissions. In that case select the "user account" you normally use to play the game. The merge has the following compatibility features: All the functions retain their original names and the same opcode-IDs as they had in Lutana. For the newer games [Curator: Creation Engine based], "Archive Invalidation" is relatively simple, you just have to change the date of the original BSAs. Vortex will give you a notification when you have to do that and it may appear again if the game was updated or something else changed the date of the files again. Thanks to user browniefox for the basis of the following. Adding Vortex ArchiveInvalidation for older Gamebryo engine games: Download your mod with replacement files, choose Options ignore the "failure to validate" part at the start: just tick the box and choose your preferences and Enable. This is an optional step, but without such a mod installed you won't see the effect of adding AI in the last step. Now this is typically where people get to or already got to and are having issues. It doesn't do the "Archive Invalidation" check automatically, and you do NOT need to repeat this step again when you add future mods. Go back to your Mods tab. Find Vortex Archive Invalidation on the dashboard. Just make sure you turn it "off" and then leave it "on" again. You're done. You just did the "Archive Invalidation" toggle in Step 3. In the top right a blue box should come up that whizzes through all your mods this is the AI check. Do not attempt to use the ArchiveInvalidation mechanism from more than one mod manager at a time. That will cause all kinds of confusion. Loader: Getting windows version - 6. Downloading the standalone installer and moving it manually to the offline computer will be required. It does not know about later releases which may be fully "backwards compatible". It is common to have multiple versions of such libraries both release year and 32 or bit versions installed at the same time. Even if you are running a bit version of Windows, you need the bit version of this package for FNV which is a bit game. I managed to get my "enplczru" [regional version] with the "application error P" and "couldn't read arguments" errors working. This is a symbolic link. The second part is about getting NVSE to load [with the game] properly. So [download the 4GB mod]. Download and install the mod, either by using [a mod manager such as Vortex or "Nexus Mod Manager" or manually - just read the [mod] instructions. Create a shortcut of "fnv4gb. Right click the shortcut and add this string: -SteamAppId at the end of the "Target:" field. You are done! Now if you want to run the game: Make sure that Steam [Client] is running. These files need to be changed as well. Disabling this protocol could cause you to lose your Internet connection immediately. And these are brought about as the game's models and textures are no longer mirrored into RAM as is standard with Direct3D 9. Stuttering is exceptionally reduced, as is memory usage in the FalloutNV. Anytime the game "Crashes to the Desktop" CTD it's typically going to generate an error message in the Windows Eventlog because the game engine was not able to predictably handle the error. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki " How to read most Bethesda game error logs " article. Most modern "MotherBoards" MoBo have an integrated video adapter chip built-in aka "onboard". Modern video adapters come with one or more "Graphic Processor Units" GPU , and "addon" video cards are installed into the "peripheral adapter" slots. Note: While this does in effect enable you to attempt to resume the game immediately without rebooting, there are risks. You have no idea what state your system memory is in as a result of whatever hung game up in the first place. Something was not "normal" to cause the problem. Not rebooting can lead you on a "wild goose chase" of other problems as a result such as the "0xC Invalid access" error. Starting from a "clean slate" is worth the delay caused by a reboot to my mind. But the choice is yours. At least this enables you to perform a normal orderly restart. NOTE: This is a very rare issue. If you do confirm this issue with WMM is the cause, please inform the "current maintainer" listed in the "WIP" notice at the top of this article of the specific weapon with a link to the mod in question so a list of offending plugins can be compiled. Create a shortcut to the GECK executable. This can cause confusion as to where to look. Disable the editor interface from hearing sounds by changing the following to "0", but a re-edit back to "1" will restore the ability when you need it. While not completely eliminating all frustrations, it seems to increase the amount of trouble-free edits between CTDs to multiple hours at a time. In order to load multiple master i. This is especially true if you copied from another interior cell. In the "enblocal. A file becomes a "master" when a "dependent" plugin relies upon a record or asset from that master. If you aren't copying a record from some other plugin into your new plugin, then it doesn't require "depend upon" that plugin as a master file to provide the original definition of that record. Editing a record's value or form list in your plugin does not create that dependency. You usually have to "copy as override" from the master into your plugin and then make the changes there. Often this means you have to manually disable each of the unwanted files or they will become "masters" to your plugin each time you open a new edit session. As long as you do this in this order your game will NOT crash. While some might be compatible with sharing the plugin with xEdit , others grab the file with a "write lock" to prevent any other program from changing things. Play it safe and give xEdit exclusive access unless you are absolutely positive they are compatible. ESP, then each group is sorted by plugin's file timestamp. The order of masters in plugins doesn't affect anything. Bethesda uses static LOD which means that LOD information is prebuilt and doesn't change when mods modify objects in game. Some mods include updated LOD files to address this issue, but they are rare and usually incompatible with each other and require compatibility patches of their own. Trees in the distance are just flat images of trees displayed from atlas texture. The usage of single texture in [game] for all trees is performance friendly, but unfortunately very problematic for mods that change tree models or add new ones. To update LOD images, even if it is only a single tree, the mod must include the whole atlas texture along with images for all other trees even if they are unchanged. The other problem of trees LOD is that a single atlas texture is used for all worldspaces [in the Gamebryo engine]. See the game specific version download pages of xLODGen as to specific differences. You are unable to sprint when over the "old" carry weight without the trait , but still under the "new" trait added carry weight limit. Cause: Player. GetAV CarryWeight for some reason doesn't get updated by the hoarder trait. Solution-b: Edit the trait directly with the following code. If Player. Upon entering "Lonesome Road" through the door in the "Canyon Wreckage" site, or after the "Ending Slide" of "Old World Blues", when in "Hard Core" mode the player's SleepDeprevation stat is set to as the new "floor" or base value instead of 0. It's known to make other, similarly arbitrary "questionable fixes". Instead make sure your "HC needs" are fully met before either entering or exiting any DLC as they frequently have hidden "elapsed time". Solution-b: Edit the respective scripts as follows. SetAv SleepDeprevation 0; Player. Genghis - Red Rock Drug Lab, in 2nd small trailer on right as you enter the camp Happy Hour - Behind the Gas station on the hill in Goodsprings. Johnie Reb - Near Horowitz Farmstead, in downed silo. Officer Friendly - out front of the Nevada highway patrol station, in a bush. Ralph - inside a railcar on broken bridge at the edge of Crescent Canyon. Tanto - On the second story of the burnt and gutted out farm over top of the ant mound. To start the quest you have to find one of two vintage Vargas Pin-up jokers! Once you find one you get a mini-Quest "Freeside Shuffle" which leads you to the Player home you will get if you find them all. Once there, the "52 Card Pickup" quest starts and you have to get a full deck. Well not really a full deck: only 50 cards Hint 1: the cards are small so they are only placed in Checksteel' s "NV Interiors" cells; not all over the world but they don't show up until the quest starts so you may have to retrace your steps. Hint 2: the Jokers are at opposite ends of the map. It's caused by a fix I made to the pistol drawing animation. I decided to leave it because I find that less annoying than the double drawing bug with quick draw and high agility. If it annoys you a lot you can delete the 1hpequip animations. You let "House Always Wins" expire. You have to see him soon after you get on the strip. It's a must if you want him to stay non-hostle for a while untill you want to kill him. Another suggestion was to leave your companions behind when entering the strip until you have resolved the Mr. House quest line. It was also suggested that was because Victor in Goodsprings or the Strip; because that "personality" could switch bodies had been killed by someone else. Other suggested reasons were you killed or stole from someone "good" on the strip. When passing the Science check with the Securitron gatekeeper, and talking to it again saying goodbye, the Securitrons might turn hostile while attempting to enter the Strip. House's Antechamber may only cause a couple of his Securitrons in his penthouse to become hostile, even after destroying some of them. These actor values are derived based on other statistics, and that derivation becomes the base value. In these cases, the value entered into the GECK is added to a derived value to determine the base value. You can use the: player. In addition, you'll see the values that make up the base value, including the amount from the actor base i. Cause If "RestoreAV" fails to work, it likely means the effect was not applied as "damage" to the skill but rather as a permanent reduction, probably by using the "ForceAV" or "ModAV" commands which make "permanent" changes. If you believe this was caused by a "mod", consider replacing it with an alternative as it is bad design implementation for a "temporary effect". The problem with making "permanent" changes is that they ignore bonuses from situational perks, equipped items, drugs, etc. Perks e. However, these commands will only return the current values of those stats. You may need to use a previous "save game" to determine what those skill values were prior to the "damaging event". The modifier may be positive or negative. Note: For the player, this will not modify base health. If you use player. SetAv Health the player will have total health - 80 from base health, and for the rest. Because this includes the GetActorValue function which returns the current state, including all effects, damage, and other ModActorValue numbers, ForceActorValue will produce different ModActorValue results at different times. Should never be used on the player, as it will seriously screw up that actor value when combined with other mods or scripts that adjust it or depend on it. When you have problems with Actors from the base game and DLCs ones known to normally not have "follow" issues suddenly not moving or stop following the Player, consider the possibility that an added mod has disrupted the "navmeshing" in that area. This can also be an underlying cause of missing walls or doors which do not load in interior cells. See also Issue - Interior cell portions not visible entry. Particular suspects would be anything specifically making "fixes" or "improvements" to areas that might include "navmesh" replacements in the problem cells. The problem may persist even after the offending plugin has been uninstalled. This will expand to show "Block sub-groups" under that group; and when you expand each "Block" you will see "Sub-Blocks" which will also need to be expanded before you see any actual records. Examine each such "plusless" entry to see if you can determine what they are changing they are not or do not have any "Temporary" or "Persistent" records under them. If nothing, then they are not doing anything and can be "Removed", which safely disables them. This only removes those records from THIS plugin. They still remain unchanged in the master file they originated from. Even removing such records from a plugin is not be sufficient. Changes will have been made to the "navmesh map info" record group. You will need to navigate down to the "Navigation Mesh Info Map" Records group and select it highlight. Right-click on that record group and select to "Remove" the entire group; and then save the changed plugin. That will rebuild the missing "navmesh map info" record correctly. Upon starting a new game and leaving Doc Mitchell's house, a "companion" named "Asshole" sic is waiting who immediately "joins" your character unasked and proceeds to live up to his name. He has no interactions with you his dialog is non-existent: the "Talk" command does nothing so you can't tell him to "part ways" , frequently gets in your way, reacts to enemies much faster than you and prevents you from gaining any XP. He is impossible to get rid of, aggro, or kill. Shooting him does nothing at all. He is invincible. Then type in the command "disable" and save the game. He should be gone until the next "new game". Solution Disable the mod. Monroe would acknowledge that the Khans freed the hostages but wouldn't advance the quest either. The latter stage 40 is preventing Lt. Monroe from proceeding peacefully. To resolve this: "getstage e" tells you the last stage set is "10". So your conversation with Jessup did not advance to another stage. Select Lt. Monroe in the console, and enter "rdf". You don't want him to have set any stages as yet. Tell Lt. Monroe you want to talk things out with the Khans. Don't say anything about sneaking or killing to avoid accidentally opening the same bug. This should get you to "stage 15". Return to Jessup. Ask Jessup about shooting his way out, then about working something out with the NCR, then use your "Speech Check" to release the hostages. This is a sequence of dialog that is necessary to avoid the deadlock condition. Return to Lt. Monroe and resolve the quest the way you want, either for NCR or both factions. These things just make it a real pain to maintain any mods, and if there is support at all count yourself lucky that someone took the time to do so. This page was last edited on 12 May , at Navigation menu. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views View View source History.