[49U] skyrim teleport to solstheim
( Updated : October 23, 2021 )
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The proper teleport command in Skyrim – iTecTec Console Commands (Skyrim)/Locations | Elder Scrolls | Fandom
The proper teleport command in Skyrim Skyrim console commands: become a giant, a ghost, or a living god Console Commands (Skyrim)/Locations
The following is a list of Location IDs. To move to the desired location, type in to the console: coc - Center on Cell, where ID is the locations id. coc (Center-on-Cell) expects one argument (the cell name) and teleports you there. Obviously, "Whiterun" is a cell, while "Dawnstar" isn't. › categories › cells › Solitude. ID, Name, COC Code, X, Y, World. EE1, Solitude Row 02, SolitudeRow02, , 25, SolitudeWorld. E9, Solitude Sawmill, SolitudeSawmill. Best Answer · coc (Center-on-Cell) expects one argument (the cell name) and teleports you there. Obviously, "Whiterun" is a cell, while "Dawnstar" isn't. · cow (. Is it possible to somehow use the 'coc' command to all locations, like numbers for the cells? coc whiterun works but coc riften doesnt. › sharedfiles › filedetails. or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Don't warn me again for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. Lately, i was experimenting with that "coc" command. So i thought about making a list. Everyone is invited to expand it. Have you flown through the air from Riften to Solitude just to take in the sights? Have you spawned in one hundred wheels of cheese? You can do.
The following is a list of Location IDs. To move to the desired location, type in to the console:. Elder Scrolls Explore. Elder Scrolls Online. Events Characters Factions Locations Concepts. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk 1. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. Bonestrewn Crest. Eastmarch Imperial Camp. The Atronach Stone. Darkwater Crossing. Darkwater Crossing, Verner and Annekke's House. Narzulbur, Mauhulakh's Longhouse. Windhelm, Argonian Assemblage. Windhelm, Belyn Hlaalu's House. Windhelm, Blacksmith Quarters. Windhelm, Calixto's House of Curiosities. Windhelm, Clan Shatter-Shield Office. Windhelm, East Empire Company. Windhelm, Hall of the Dead. Windhelm, House of Clan Cruel-Sea. Windhelm, House of Clan Shatter-Shield. Windhelm, New Gnisis Cornerclub. Windhelm, Palace of the Kings. Windhelm, Sadri's Used Wares. Windhelm, Viola Giordano's House. Bleak Falls Barrow. Bloated Man's Grotto. Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Falkreath Imperial Camp. Falkreath Stormcloak Camp. Lakeview Manor HF. North Brittleshin Pass. North Shriekwind Bastion. South Brittleshin Pass. South Shriekwind Bastion. The Warrior Stone. Falkreath, Hall of the Dead. Falkreath, Jarl's Longhouse. Castle Volkihar DG. Haafingar Stormcloak Camp. Dragon Bridge, Four Shields Tavern. Dragon Bridge, Horgeir's House. Dragon Bridge, Lylvieve Family's House. Dragon Bridge, Penitus Oculatus Outpost. Forgotten Vale, Forgotten Vale Cave. Mor Khazgur, Larak's Longhouse. Solitude, Angeline's Aromatics. Solitude, Bards College. Solitude, Bits and Pieces. Solitude, East Empire Company Warehouse. Solitude, Evette San's House. Solitude, Hall of the Dead. Solitude, Proudspire Manor. Solitude, Radiant Raiment. Solitude, Solitude Blacksmith. Solitude, Solitude Lighthouse. Solitude, Solitude Stables. Solitude, Temple of the Divines. Solitude, Thalmor Headquarters. Solitude, The Winking Skeever. Solitude, Vittoria Vici's House. Forebears' Holdout DG. Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp. Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp. North Cold Rock Pass. Rannveig's Fast. The Apprentice Stone. Windstad Manor HF. Wreck of The Icerunner. Morthal, Jorgen and Lami's House. Morthal, Thaumaturgist's Hut. Altar of Thrond. Bloodskal Barrow. Castle Karstaag Caverns. Fort Frostmoth. Gyldenhul Barrow. Headwaters of Harstrad. Hrothmund's Barrow. Kolbjorn Barrow. Ramshackle Trading Post. Thirsk Mead Hall. Wreck of the Strident Squall. Raven Rock, Abandoned Building. Raven Rock, Glover Mallory's House. Raven Rock, Morvayn Ancestral Tomb. Raven Rock, Morvayn Manor. Raven Rock, Raven Rock Mine. Raven Rock, The Retching Netch. Raven Rock, Ulen Ancestral Tomb. Skaal Village, Deor Woodcutter's House. Soul Cairn, Boneyard. Soul Cairn, Reaper's Lair. Sovngarde , Hall of Valor. Dimhollow Crypt DG. Great Lift at Mzinchaleft. Heljarchen Hall HF. Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. Wreck of the Brinehammer. Dawnstar, The Mortar and Pestle. Arkngthamz DG. Bruca's Leap Redoubt. Chillwind Depths. Darkfall Cave DG. Deep Folk Crossing. Dragon Bridge Overlook. Druadach Redoubt. Four Skull Lookout. Lost Valley Redoubt. Moldering Ruins DG. Red Eagle Redoubt. Serpent's Bluff Redoubt. Soljund's Sinkhole. Dushnikh Yal, Burguk's Longhouse. Karthwasten, Fenn's Gulch Mine. Karthwasten, Karthwasten Hall. Karthwasten, Karthwasten Miner's Barracks. Karthwasten, Sanuarach Mine. Left Hand Mine, Daighre's House. Left Hand Mine, Miner's Barracks. Markarth, Abandoned House. Markarth, Arnleif and Sons Trading Company. Markarth, Hall of the Dead. Markarth, Nepos's House. Markarth, Smelter Overseer's House. Markarth, The Treasury House. Markarth, Understone Keep. Markarth, Vlindrel Hall. Aetherium Forge DG. Alchemist's Shack. Autumnshade Clearing. Black-Briar Lodge. Broken Helm Hollow. Dayspring Canyon DG. Dead Drop Falls DG. Faldar's Tooth. Fort Dawnguard DG. Geirmund's Hall. Mossy Glen Cave DG. Redwater Den DG. Ruunvald Excavation DG. Shroud Hearth Barrow. The Shadow Stone. Largashbur, Largashbur Longhouse. Riften, Haelga's Bunkhouse. Riften, Hall of the Dead. Riften, Marise Aravel's House. Riften, Romlyn Dreth's House. Riften, Temple of Mara. The Ritual Stone. Throat of the World. Whiterun Imperial Camp. Whiterun Stormcloak Camp. Riverwood, Alvor and Sigrid's House. Riverwood, Hod and Gerdur's House. Riverwood, Sven and Hilde's House. Rorikstead, Cowflop Farmhouse. Rorikstead, Lemkil's Farmhouse. Whiterun, Arcadia's Cauldron. Whiterun, Belethor's General Goods. Whiterun, Carlotta Valentia's House. Whiterun, Hall of the Dead. Whiterun, Honningbrew Meadery. Whiterun, House of Clan Battle-Born. Whiterun, Olava the Feeble's House. Whiterun, Severio Pelagia's House. Whiterun, Temple of Kynareth. Whiterun, The Drunken Huntsman. The Serpent Stone. Winterhold Imperial Camp. Winterhold Stormcloak Camp. Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos. Wreck of The Winter War. Winterhold, Birna's Oddments. Winterhold, College of Winterhold. Winterhold, Jarl's Longhouse.