[8NB] skyrim custom follower mod
( Updated : October 23, 2021 )
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Best Serana Mods For Skyrim (All Free) – FandomSpot
Best Serana Mods For Skyrim (All Free) So there's no way to cure Serana if you bought the subject up before?
Gets rid of that annoying lingering vampire traits that hang around after Serana is cured. Including: complaints about sunlight. This is a fix for Serana, it solves an issue that should have been the Dawnguard quest line and getting her cured of her vampirism. So I did the wrong dialog option with Serana, and thus can't cure her of her vampirism. Are there any mods that re-enable that quest or make it an …. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So there's no way to cure Serana if. Close the console and Serana will automatically start the conversation she had with you right after killing Harkon. When asking her about curing her. Best Serana Mods For Skyrim (All Free) · Pandorable's Serana · 9. Serana's Hood Fix · 8. Empowering Serana · 7. Vampire Lord Serana · 6. Serana Shut Up · 5. Don't warn me again for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may be sensitive.
Using the console, you can toggle some NPC variables for Serana, basically resetting her dialogue and interactions to the moment inmediately after you've killed Harkon, allowing you to ask her about curing her vampirism again if you messed up the conversation before and she refuses to talk about it again. Open the console with Serana in view and click on her to select her RefID otherwise type "prid B74" and type in the following commands:. Close the console and Serana will automatically start the conversation she had with you right after killing Harkon. When asking her about curing her vampirism, select the following options These are roughly what it is available :. Serana will tell you she'll go to Falion to get a cure, but that she must do it alone, and she'll meet you "back home", this could mean a number of things Wait three days or sleep, whatever , and if she doesn't show up in Fort Dawnguard or next to you, just teleport her back to you again "prid B74", and the "moveto player" in the console window. So far, i haven't got any bugs, but if you do, please reply I talked to her about curing vampirism BEFORE killing Harkon -so all this does is revert to if she'll tag along with me or not - not if she'll get cured. Pls help. Now i dont really know how it all works with the console so it would be really great if someone could help me out :. It depends on what number your Dawnguard DLC has been asigned. I did everything as You said and it worked out! I was trsing some other methods before, non of Them was working, but this way. After this suggestion of changing the dialogue after the castle fixed it for me, Thanks! I typed in the commands several times, but it does not work! I do not think I ever mentioned a cure to her before the soul cairn, or anywhere else before killing Harkon. I doesn't work. I get no new optons when I talk to her. Please help. Elder Scrolls. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Wait three days or sleep, whatever , and if she doesn't show up in Fort Dawnguard or next to you, just teleport her back to you again "prid B74", and the "moveto player" in the console window So far, i haven't got any bugs, but if you do, please reply Can't get it to work for me keep getting b74 not found. You have my thanks! It worked! In case anyone cares I used this in Special Edition.