dead island cheat codes
( Updated : October 23, 2021 )
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Dead Island Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips Dead Island Riptide Trainer + Cheats | PLITCH Dead Island Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox Dead Island Cheats
Dead Island Riptide Trainer Dead Island Cheats and Trainers Dead Island Cheats
NUMPAD0 Š²Šā Infinite health (God Mode). The character's health never runs out. NUMPAD1 Š²Šā Unlimited Stamina. NUMPAD2 Š²Šā Unlimited ammo. NUMPAD3 Š²Šā Unlimited money. NUMPAD4 Š²Šā + XP Points. NUMPAD5 Š²Šā No weapon damage. NUMPAD6 Š²Šā Infinite batteries. NUMPAD7 Š²Šā One hit kill. This cheat works with any weapon except guns. For example, you have a machete but no money. With the machete equipped press LT and aim your weapon at the ground. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Dead Island for Xbox This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Dead Island for Xbox If you've discovered a cheat. Dead Island Cheats and Cheat Codes, Xbox Complete guide to Dead Island with game walkthrough, all sidequests and collectibles covered. Dead Island. Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. To do this glitch, you need an item that can be thrown. First equip the item. Then, throw the weapon but at the same time hold down the drop. Our Dead Island Definitive Edition trainer has 22 cheats and supports Steam. Cheat in this game and more with the WeMod app! The cheats of our MegaTrainer increase the following skills to an infinite value now: rage, ammunition, Plitch Cheat-codes for Dead Island Riptide.
Successfully complete the game. Select "Next Play" to start a second playthrough with all previously earned money and inventory items blueprints, weapons, etc. Throw the weapon you want to duplicate. Before it hits the ground, press Up. Then, choose to drop the weapon that is equipped. Exit out of the menu, and pick up both items. Repeat this as many times as desired. When you reach a checkpoint during any campaign quest in Solo mode, drop the item s on the ground you want to duplicate you can drop all the items in your inventory. Then, kill yourself by using Deo-Bombs or Molotov's. When the respawn timer begins to countdown, pause the game, and reload your checkpoint. When you respawn, all the weapons you dropped will be back in your inventory and will also still be laying on the ground where you dropped them. Note: You also will not suffer the cash penalty from dying since you reloaded the checkpoint. This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. You can delete all patches for the game by using the "Clear hard drive cache" code for the Xbox Your character should throw the item, and then quickly drop a copy of the same item. If done correctly, the item will fall out of your hands, and you will throw another one down at your feet. Note: This can be done with both the analog and digital fighting style. While playing as Logan, hold [Aim], then hold [Fury] while aiming at multiple zombies, then press RT. Instead of Logan using his knives, he will throw the equipped weapon, causing the game to duplicate your equipped item. Equip a stackable item, such as cocktails, grenades, medkits, etc. Make sure the item is equipped and in your hand. You will now have two stacks of that item instead of one. Just make sure you have enough materials. Note: Make sure to use a recipe that is different from the item you are duplicating, as this glitch sometimes does not work if it is done that way. For example, do not use the Deo-Bomb recipe if you are duplicating the Deo-Bomb. Quick travel between areas until a merchant sells the necessary materials to craft a Deo-Bomb. Then, go to a crafting table, and craft up to the max of 30 Deo-Bombs. Once you have 30 Deo-Bombs in your inventory, each new bomb crafted will create an additional 30 Deo-Bombs. Reach Ope's Cave in Act 3, then use the "Duplicating items" trick to copy your most valuable weapon. Sell the weapons to a vendor to get a lot of money, then buy Oleander from a vendor if it is available. After buying as much Oleander as possible, fast travel back to Ope's Cave, and turn it in to the tribesman that give you the continuous "Dreamtime" event. Go to the warehouse, and get the Hammer and Baseball Bat. Go back to the Warehouse, and the Hammer and Baseball Bat will have respawned. Note: You must be in the City and have discovered both the Church and the Warehouse to do this trick. Find an area with a lot of value items champagne, etc. Collect the items, then leave the area or fast travel to another location and back for the items to respawn. Collect as many items as possible, then sell them for easy money. In the Slums, there is an abandoned building at the bottom of the map. Once it is cleared out, you can fast travel to it. In the back of the building are two rooms, and each has a fridge that sometimes contains a bottle of champagne. Keep fast traveling to another area, and then fast traveling back as many times as desired to get a lot of champagne for easy money. Use the "Duplicating items" trick to duplicate as many items as desired. Then, sell the items for easy money. After you complete Act 3, enter the hotel, and go down the hallways until you reach the lounge with tables and chairs. There will be approximately 10 bottles of alcohol on the bar that you can pick up. These bottles of alcohol will respawn once you exit the hotel and re-enter the hotel, traveling the same way you went. Collect as many bottles of alcohol as desired, then go to Harland, and trade the bottles of alcohol for Molotov cocktails. You will get one Molotov cocktail for every three bottles of alcohol. A Molotov cocktail can kill most zombies in a single area instantly. While doing the "Bitter Return" mission, there is a mounted machine gun on the balcony of City Hall. Mount the machine gun and fire it. Every bullet fired counts towards the "Military-Industrial Complex" challenge. Keep shooting to easily complete all four levels. This trick works best with Logan. To easily kill humans, throw modded weapons. However, there are a few exceptions. The weapon must be sharp. Blunt weapons only damage them slightly. The military machete works best. The weapon must have either a Poison or Shock mod. Fire will not do any damage. Make sure you upgrade the weapon to at least level 3. It is recommended to mod a powerful weapon so it does more damage against stronger humans. Keep your distance when throwing, and have plenty of ammunition. This is one reason why Logan is better for this, as thrown objects can come back to him. However, if you have a clear view of the target, throw the weapon, and they should die instantly. When you encounter large groups of zombies or a lot of them are chasing you, run to the closest vehicle. Jump on top of it, and crouch on the hood. You can hit the zombies, but they should not be able to attack you. Note: Do not do this on the roof of the vehicle, as you will not be able to hit them, and they can still sometimes hit you. Use the analog style of fighting to get more decapitations and swing your weapon faster. When zombies are chasing you, simply run into the water, then kick them so they drown to get easy XP instead of trying to melee them. Killing zombies will dull your weapon. However, when the weapon is close to breaking, it is not completely useless. Throwing your weapons can damage zombies without dulling the weapon. If you have a weapon worth keeping, but it is almost used up, keep throwing it at zombies until you can repair it again. In Act 2, enter the mayor's office in City Hall before it gets attacked by zombies. Knock down the painting on the very back wall in the room behind the desk to find three photos of a semi-nude blonde woman. Search the indicated locations to find the colored Skulls. Once you find a Skull, you must place it over a certain point to unlock the reward. Location: In the room across from where you deposit the Purple Skull, on a glass covered shelf in the corner. Deposit: Go south from your original starting point in the game, near the beach on the resort. If you arrive and the survivor Jose Garcia does not require rescuing, go back at a later point in the game; he will be yelling from behind a fence. Enter the bunker, and use the portal to teleport to another bunker with graffiti all over the floors. Go up the ladder, and grab a propane tank, and use it to blow open the door to the right of the ladder beside the boxes and crates. Reward: Developer's No. This is accessible through the warp in the bunker unlocked during the "Black Hawk Down" main quest in Act 1: Chapter 3. Deposit: Top of the hill accessible by wood planks. It is located on the coast near ID Look for the brown arrows as you jump, then walk up the hill. Reward: Developer's recipe. Location: Directly east of the South tunnel Gas Station on the resort and directly south of the bungalows near your starting location is a hill surrounded by what looks like a sand path on the map. It is on the edge of the coast; you want to approach it from the north-east side, where it meets the coast near the overturned sail boat. There will be a jumpable path that will lead you to an open box with the Green Skull, as well as a grey chest to the right of it. Deposit: In the Supermarket, to the right of the "Surf Shop" section, is an aisle against the wall with toy bears. One of the bears on the bottom shelf is the drop off location for the Green Skull. Location: Enter the Supermarket through the sewers you go here during the "Market Journey" main quest in Act 2: Chapter 6. Go straight through the next area and past where you turn off the steam. Go to the right, and you should reach a dead end with a workbench in a room to your left. Go right, and keep heading right until you reach a set of stairs. Beneath those stairs in a shopping cart is the Orange Skull. Deposit: Enter the sewers through City Hall. Once inside, go straight forward and through the door. Inside the large open area, make your way to the ladder in the middle of the room to your left, near the makeshift grate bridge. Go up the ladder, and enter the door to your right. Place the Orange Skull in a pile to your left. From the entrance near the church, go straight until you see two green barrels near a dead end, and turn left. Go through the fogged rooms, keeping left. Go through the gated entrance to the dark section of tunnels, then take your first right. In the room with graffiti and an upper catwalk, go to the ladder ahead of you on your right. Follow along the catwalk to the chest and candle lit shrine with the Purple Skull. Deposit: In the abandoned house that is made accessible during the "Uninvited Guests" side quest in Moresby. Enter the room to the left of where you find Alicia Jacobs or to the right if you are leaving her room , and use the stove. Successfully complete the "Last Chance On The Wall" quest in the City of Moresby to get the Impact Mod, which allows you to use the Blueprints to create customized weapons by combining the described items and parts. The following is a list of the Weapon Mod Blueprint locations, along with their cost, ingredients, effects, and more:. Then, go to the next room with the workbench. Enter the next room with a computer to reboot. Look at the wall to the side of the desk with the fan on it to see a Chrome 2 poster. Shortly after the Lifeguard Tower Exodus is completed, there is a person named Annie in a bungalow to the left of the main road who gives a quest. She initiates the quest by saying "Have you seen my bear? In League Of Legends, there is a champion also named Annie. In that game, Annie's catchphrase is "Have you seen my bear Tibbers? Do the quest to clear out the Lifeguard Tower at the start of the game. Kill the zombies in the garage. Then, go inside to hear a radio broadcast of an Oceanic Flight in an emergency descent to an island due to engine failure. Do the quest near the end of the Resort level, where you take the big truck to the mechanic to turn it into a homemade tank. While talking to him, just before you have to defend the shop while he does his work, he will say that he is going to "Pimp your ride". Have the assault rifle, which is acquired during the second part of the game. Then, jump on a car, wait until the zombies are next to the car, and simply shoot their heads. Even if you get killed while doing this, your head count does not reset as long as you do not kill a zombie by any other method except a headshot. Disconnect your internet connection, go to the system settings, and advance the system date by one month. Resume the game while offline to get the "How Many Days Exactly? In Chapter "Locked Up", once you reach the checkpoint where you have to "Find another way to the cell block control room", you must go around to get to the control room. When you open the door to the cell blocks, there is a stairway going down, which is where you will see the Ram. Let him follow you upstairs, and go back in the hallway. Leave the door open. The Ram will try to ram you down, but he will not be able to get past the door. This is where you can weaken him until his life is close to dead. Then, deliver the final hits with the Tackle ability. Dead Island. PS5 Backward Compatibility. Has Facebook Screwed the Pooch with Oculus? The Life and Death of Motion Controls. The Best Games of Top 7 Badass Comic Stars. Top 10 Good Games. The 7 Fantabulous Faces of Harley Quinn. More Special Features Around The Web. No Cyberpunk? No Problem! Can Gamers Really Trust Facebook? Let's Face It Super Mario is Perfect! Do you like video games more now or sometime in the past? I enjoyed video games much more in the past. Games are the best they've ever been! View Poll History. Follow cheatcc. Top Stories. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. After saving Jose survivor around the south most bunker in the Resort; it will appear after you have access to the sewers in Act 2.