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The Winterhome Survivor achievement in Frostpunk (Windows)
Frostpunk - How to Get Winterhome Achievements The Winterhome Survivor achievement in Frostpunk (Windows) [Possible spoilers] My tips for Winterhome survivor mode
Frostpunk · activate the generator, level one heat is enough · place Steam Hubs at House clusters, where they are missing (bottom left, top. Finish the Fall of Winterhome scenario in Survivor Mode. The Winterhome Survivor 2 guides Offline Game Mode Single Player. Hide ads. Don't turn the generator on immediately, assign people to workplaces first. Let discontent build until the people threaten to revolt, then turn. › PC › Frostpunk. %ing Your Dreadnought on Winterhome Survivor Introduction This is a detailed Enter construction mode and go on a road deleting spree. Finish the Fall of Winterhome scenario in Survivor Mode. Achievers, % Frostpunk Trophy Guide Difficulty Specific Stackable. The Winterhome Survivor, Finish the Fall of Winterhome scenario in Survivor A Tomb for Memories, Build the Archives, Available only in Endless mode. The remaining 26 achievements are related to DLCs - Survivor Mode, The Fall of Winterhome and Endless Mode. The PlayStation 4 version has 38 trophies - 1.

Basically the key point is to stop people from dying of sickness or hunger. So long as you keep running discontent high then easing off when the threat of revolt happens, and you keep doing achievable missions e. And once that's done, the rest is a cakewalk. Provided you're happy to settle for a half outfitted dreadnought for people. Was so close many times. Finally fulfilled a late day promise and completed all the requirements! But the generator was not…. I've spent the last few days trying to beat all 3 missions on Hard with as few deaths as possible. I was finally able to beat Refugees with only Lord Craven dying he doesn't count as a death though, per cemetery. Screenshot for proof. General Tips: 1 no 24 shifts they always seem to result…. Trying to do some challenge runs with max dreadnought upgrades and saving on survivor which is doable but I can't for…. Looking for games to play on PC? Here are all of the new PC games to pay attention to throughout PlayStation 4 game releases aren't slowing down in Here's everything worth looking forward to. Don't turn the generator on immediately, assign people to workplaces first. Let discontent build until the people threaten to revolt, then turn the generator on. After fully staffing all buildings, discontent should go below the revolt threshold and net you a little free hope. Reduce the generator range to level 2, save a little coal. Research extra scouts, send your first ones towards the dreadnought, or the destinations clockwise of it and follow the path until you run out. You should find some food, which you'll need by the time the scouts get back. First law should probably be radical treatment. Build a steam hub near the cold medical posts, then tear down any tents that aren't in that area or an existing heat zone. We don't want anyone living or working in the cold, better they be homeless for a bit. Plus, we want high discontent for now. Later, tear down the tents in that area and build more medical posts. Build hunter huts ASAP. Overdrive immediately so people can gather from the buildings directly. Focus on the inner 2 rings and the wreckage blocking the second steelworks location, the gathering post spots next to the coal thumper, and one coal mine location. By the time overdrive is a bit over half full you should have stopped gathering directly and be using gathering posts exclusively, so people don't get sick in the cold. Seriously focus on getting food. Recall scouts who have it when you can. Send the second scouts towards the weathermen, but don't call them up yet; you'll need the forecasts to hit the warmth promise to get more hope. Do consider recalling the automaton. If you're reading my tips you won't be fully upgrading that dreadnought on survivor mode anyway. Do recall the explorers. With your extra engineers, build infirmaries and more workshops. Next laws should probably be overtime. You want to run people up to maximum discontent because every time you can calm them down after threatening revolt, you get hope. Plus, resources. I went with churches and built 4 to cover the middle 3 rings, then a few extra for the other locations people were living, until I had Make sure you fully clear the 1st ring, including the 2 existing bunkhouses and any streets, before building tents in there. Otherwise you'll end up with an inefficient spacing. Do the same with 2nd and 3rd ring. Consider building a hothouse and putting the automaton from the bridge on duty there. Don't forget to rebuild the 2nd cookhouse you moved from the middle, nor the public house. Get flying hunters early, possibly 2nd. When building your 3rd ring of houses around the generator, space some arenas around it to help lower discontent. TIPs on beating Hard Mode with no Deaths I've spent the last few days trying to beat all 3 missions on Hard with as few deaths as possible. Spoilers - Has anyone gotten no deaths on Winterhome? Naamloos, this is for you! My Extreme Endless Guide for Winterhome Map day ironman achievement — full strategy and details day-by-day.